TopoFusion News

TopoFusion displaying new Color Aerials in Colorado

We’re excited about the release of version 3.60 of TopoFusion Pro. It features the new “Color” tileset that combines high resolution color aerial data from a number of servers into one “mega” tileset, covering most of the United States:

click to enlarge

For list of states covered go to:


Click [ HERE ] to download TopoFusion Pro with the new Color Tileset.

Registered users refer to your registration email for the download link, or go here to request your code and the download URL.

One note: the server responsiveness and quality vary from state to state. For some reason Texas and Pennsylvania are not in true color — they are red (?). But otherwise this is some very high quality and a MAJOR improvement for TopoFusion, especially over the black and white DOQQ data from Terraserver which is often old and sometimes fuzzy / washed out.

Also new, WMS servers

Version 3.60 also introduces custom WMS server support. Any WMS server can be served and cached by TopoFusion, as long as it can output in the EPSG:4326 projection (most can). For more info see WMS servers in TopoFusion.

For a complete list of changes see the Revision History


  1. admin Says:

    We just released v3.61, a new version that includes better handling of slow and bad server responses.

    It seems the increased load on some servers (caused by TF’s release!) changed their behavior enough to cause some problems.

    Specifically, some areas would report white noise “unavailable” tiles when the server actually has the tiles (restarting TF would force it to retry those tiles). In v3.61 this shouldn’t be an issue.

    Definitely recommend an upgrade if you got 3.60 for the short time is was available.

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