About TopoFusion

TopoFusion focuses on mapping software for outdoor pursuits, fusing GPS units, topo maps, trail photos and statistics. Our interests in training (heart rate and power) and trail advocacy (proposal and design) have found their way into the software as well.
The program continues to evolve and grow as we use it to log our adventures. We always have ideas on the drawing board for cool new stuff.
We also welcome any suggestions/ideas. We have puposely kept TopoFusion a small, sustainable company that can respond quickly to the needs of our users. Drop us a line and let us know what you think!

TopoFusion is written by Alan and Scott Morris. Brothers, outdoor enthusiasts, mountain bikers and former wilderness rangers. Both hold advanced degrees in Computer Science.
Scott Morris is a mountain bike adventurer, PhD graduate and freelance writer. His PhD dissertation is entitled, "Digital Trails", covering topics in GPS and trail processing. He has cycled the Arizona Trail, the 2,500 mile Great Divide Mountain Bike Route and other long distance trails such as the Colorado Trail and the Grand Enchantment Trail, all with a GPS on the bars and using TopoFusion for planning/analysis. He logs his adventures at topofusion.com/diary.
TopoFusion supports Trails
Scott Morris received Pima Trail Association's "Extra Mile" award for volunteer efforts in GPS trail design, maintenance and construction throughout Southern Arizona.Thanks...
TopoFusion would like to thank and acknowledge Microsoft's Terraserver team and the USGS for helping us get our start. Also big thanks to Lucian Plesea and NASA for the OnEarth dataset and server. These two were key in launching one of the first online downloading mapping softwares.Contact Us
Scott Morris can be contacted at: smorris@topofusion.comWe would like to hear about any new ideas or opportunities. We're always looking for ways to increase our audience and apply our technology to new problems.
Home base: Tucson, AZ (in the Winter)
View the history of TopoFusion through its splash archive.
Finally, a few random and old past projects.