2009 Results are posted!! <--- Click Here
2009 Photos are posted!! <--- Click Here
Date and Time: Saturday, December 19, 2009
9:00- 10:00 AM
Golf Links Aviation path, Tucson, AZ
Waves: The first wave will start at 9:00. The waves will leave about every 10 minutes. You must start in the correct heat to score.
Men 40 and over
Women 40 and over
Men 39 and under
Women 39 and under
Entry Fees
$10 - 12 and under, 65 and over by 12/14/09
$10 - Adult NO shirt by 12/14/09
$15 - Adult with shirt by 12/14/09
$15 - Race Day NO shirt
$20 - Race Day with shirt
High School/Middle School Teams:
$75 per team
$125 for both Girls and Boys
Unlimited entries
Register Online at active.com.
Race Flier / Mail in entry form [pdf] Sub4-flier.pdf
Mail registration must be postmarked by 12/14/09. Race day registration at Park Ave. and Golf Links Aviation path from 8:00-8:45. NO registration accepted after 8:45 on race day. We will be collecting donations for the food bank at registration.
First people to register get lowest bib numbers.
We will only be accepting registration for high school/middle school teams until December 11.
Pre-race registration and packet pick-up at Meet Me at Maynards, 400 N Toole Avenue, December 14th from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Come register for the race, run or walk Meet Me at Maynards while you preview the course!
Parking: There will be plenty of parking near registration at the Project More High School (598 S. Park Avenue). The race starts 1/3 of a mile from registration. Parking can also be found on where 17th and Highland intersect with the path.

Note: The course can only be accessed from the north side of Aviation Highway.
Awards: Prize money to three fastest male and female times.
1st - $50
2nd - $30
3rd - $20.
There will also be a preem for the first person in each race to reach the 1/2 mile mark.
Top three overall taken out of age group. Ribbons awarded in the following divisions: racewalk, 9 and under, 10-11, 12-14, 15-18, 19-24, 25-29, 30-34.......85+
For more information
Contact Paula Morrison at yottameter AT hotmail.comOr 520-881-4052