Running your own Simulations using TopoFusion

Note: the trail simulator is no longer available in the public version of TopoFusion. If you are interested, please get in touch with us.

To run the trail simulator on your own data, follow these steps:
  • Download & install TopoFusion.
  • Load all of your GPS tracks so that they appear in the fileview in the main TopoFusion window.
  • Select the menu option Network->Make Network.
  • Set parameters and hit "OK" to build the network. (For more information on building networks see the TopoFusion manual and the networks page)
  • When the network construction is complete, remove all of your tracks, leaving only the newly produced network file active.
  • Select the menu option Network->Trail Simulation
  • Using the form that pops up, start the simulation.
The simulation will proceed with completely random values. Agents will make random decisions and they will be produced at random intervals. Any node (waypoint) in the network that only has a single segment (edge) connected to it will be designated a generator--agents will begin their journeys at it.

If desired, you can customize which nodes are generators and set the arrival times of agents at generator nodes. You can also set the various probabilities that agents will use to decide which trails to travel on.

This is done by creating a text file with the same name as your .gpx (network) file. For example, if you created Test.gpx you would create a new text file called Test.txt. The text file should exist in the same directory as the .gpx file.

We will be completely documenting the format of the auxillary text file as time permits. Please contact us if you would like to run your own simulations and would like details about the text format.

A few simple things. Each node in the network is labeled by a number from Zero to the number of nodes in the graph. You can set which nodes of the graph will generate agents (are park entries, for example). You can also set the average time between arrivals at each node. Consider the following lines of text:

node 9
gen 1
mean 900
dev 200

node 4
gen 0

These lines will set node 9 to be a generator, with average interarrival time of 900 seconds and a standard deviation of 200 seconds. They also specify that node 4 not be a generator. This is not really necessary since all nodes are by default not generators.

NOTE-This feature of TopoFusion is provided "AS IS". The simulator is still in its beta phase and is being provided to users of TopoFusion for their curiosity.