June Bugs

The june bugs were out in full metallic force this morning on the 50 year trail. Paula and I rode it from Catalina state park to the chutes/upper loop and back. Despite a lazy start (not riding until 8:30am), it never got hot. In fact, coming back down the trail there was actually a cool breeze. For 11am on a June day in Tucson, this is remarkable. It really was a wonderful morning.

Contact with June bugs was inevitable. When hit they eminate a sound that I cannot help but interpret as a pissed off growl. Can june bugs be pissed? I think so, bees can. We didn’t see anyone out on the trail, just thousands of june bugs.

24 miles, 2400 feet of climbing, 3.5 hours

Preparations continue for the GDMBR trip. Things are coming together, but yet are still apart. Many unknowns are floating around my head. Tomorrow: Mt. Graham.



JCDL was a long day. 15 miles up Oracle RD on a loaded commuter bike, a whirlwind 25 minute talk, then hours and hours of sitting. The ride home may have been the best part.

My talk (Digital Trail Libraries) was fairly well received. I don’t know how the delivery was, but at least the content sparked some interest. Strangely I wasn’t very nervous before or after. I don’t know if that helped or not.

They gave me a Kachina doll that looks like a race trophy. And they took my picture while I was speaking. There was even a goodie bag given out for conference registration. I’m not quite sure what the exact race was, but I am certain that I did not win.

It was worthwhile, but just not exactly my cup of tea. The experience of giving the talk was invaluable. But other than that….

I did connect somewhat with the Library of Alexandria folks, and there are some cool possibilities to check out.

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