Preparations, JCDL

Preparations for the ‘Divide’ ride have been extensive, including dropping some serious money into new gear and fun stuff. Things are starting to come together, but it is a lot of (very enjoyable) work. The route research, many equipment decisions and overall unknown factor make this a very interesting venture. We’ll see how it all turns out.

I have also been preparing for my talk at the 2004 Joint Conference on Digital Libraries. Our paper/talk — Digital Trail Libraries, will be quite a bit different from the rest of the conference. My public speaking skills are still fairly limited, so I am really looking forward to it being over. I have some reasonable slides together, but every recitation results in many umms, uhhs and general stumbling. At least it will soon be over.

The weeks riding included some well deserved rest from Round the Lemmon, another massage (this one MUCH less painful), a few spins around Suburban Assault and a nice loop out at Tucson Mountain Park this morning.

Paula and I got a bit of a late start (after 6am), but it seems it might not be 107 today (maybe 103?), so we were somewhat spared. The june bugs were out in full metallic force, reverberating in chorus throughout the ride.

We rode the Sentinel Ridge trail on the way out, then the standard loop backwards–something Paula loves to do–then back out through Anklam. A few people on the trail today, but not too many considering that this is the only reasonable time of day to ride out there.

The wind in our faces was enough to keep us mildly cool on the ride back through town, which finished off a very nice ride. Our experiments with gear (changing cranks, pedals, shoes, et cetera) seem to be working.

After the conference it will be time to head into the High Country for more gear testing and an escape from the heat (camping!). Then, we’re out of here, bound for Canada, on June 19. I can’t wait to get out on the trail to test ourselves and see some incredible country.

Meanwhile, Al has arrived in Eugene and is starting to set things up.

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