Another quality ride out at Tucson Mountain Park today. I love Tucson: we’ve had rain on and off all week, but out in the mountains today the trails were dry as a bone. It was cold, by Tucson standards, (50 F), but what a beautiful day. The clouds swirled throughout the ride, providing incredible contrasts of light and dark. One minute I’d be warm in blasting sunlight, then dark and wind chilled another minute later.

I could have taken some very nice pics, but I didn’t have the camera. Any attempt to capture the feeling of the fresh air and the dramatic bright sunlight/shade contrast would have been weak indeed. I always think it’s funny how we try to capture our most intense or interesting experiences. And often we miss it all while trying to capture it. But there I was, riding with a GPS, collecting data on where and how I went. But, no pictures this time. I know the attempt at freezing time is fruitless. I know that nothing I could write here about a ride or adventure could ever convey a fraction of the actual feeling of doing it. But sometimes even small things can serve as reminders or even as inspiriation. Besides, I like to write.

I almost got creamed riding back through the University near Park. People in their cars were a little more anxious than usual, since Park is closed and cars were backed up all the way from Euclid to Park. I was on the right side of a car, riding cautiously. The two cars in front of it turned right (with blinkers). No blinkers from this car, but I kept my eyes glued on its front tires. Sure enough, they turned, leaving me about 5 feet to stop and trapping me next to the curb.

Big grins were about to come on the other side of University. There were oranges aplenty, all ready to be flicked. I had some quality contacts, and even a launcher or two. A girl on a cruiser laughed at me while we waited to cross Tucson. I looked over at her, confirming with my eyes, “Yes, I’m a retard.” A few more oranges well flicked followed before I turned left on Treat. Then a 32 oz bottle of coke went flying on treat.

Tomorrow we’re off to Mexico and the Tremo challenge. A 2-day, 233k mountain bike “challenge” over the Mazatan mountain range. It should be a good time.

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