
A nice hike with Hottie to the top of Wasson Peak today. She got out of work early, so I picked her up and popped over to the Camino de Oeste trailhead.

The hike takes about 4 hours, and the view from the top is awesome. I always love getting a new perspective on the Tucson Mountains, venue of so much suffering and memorable rides. Golden Gate mountain towers over the valley, but Wasson commands a view of all. If only this trail were open to bikes! If only the county had not sold this land to the federal government (Wasson was once a part of Tucson Mountain Park). Still, it is worthy of a hike too.

Speaking of new perspective, Odin’s work on 3D TopoFusion is going very well. This is the best interface to 3D (with Topo and Aerial textures) I have seen. I’m very excited to get my hands on it.

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