The sun shined bright today, making for a toasty ride out at Tucson Mountain Park. I spent an hour or so replacing spokes and working on my bike, then rolled out through town to the west side mountains. The temp was near perfect comfort wise, but apparently not for my knee. Before I made it to Sentinel Ridge it started hurting, slightly.

I kept going, but it did not feel better until I reluctantly pulled on my tights, despite the bright sun. I climbed over tech pass, nearly cleaning everything, the decided to go up and over Golden Gate. I cleaned the three hardest sections, then flubbed up near the top. Pathetic.

My full effort went into mashing gears over the top of Gates, trying to avoid the onslaught of vehicles that cross that pass daily. On rolling down I was happy for the tights–it was cool in the shade.

I hit the trails behind Pima Community College on the way back and noticed that a huge section (a road?) has been bladed through it. This does not bode well for those living on the west side. I miss those trails, but I do not miss the SPeeDWaY hill by La Lomita. That was a daily insult to me and all not interested in playing eternal slave to automobiles. There is just no two ways about it–that hill has cars written all over it. Bikes, peds, and anything else are not welcome. It is even painful to ride down it, when it ends quickly.

Near home I saw a rider turn left, with blinky blinky light. The rider was going fast, but with slow cadence. I guessed that it was Hottie, on her way to the workout group @ Reid park. I was correct, so I escorted her to Speedway, where I got a kiss before she crossed the street into the darkness.

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