Big Weekend

For us, anyway.

The women’s olympic marathon trials are this weekend in Boston.

Front page of today’s sports section features:

AZ Daily star article on Paula and the trials.

Yep, she rocks. Unfortunately I won’t be there to cheer her on.

This weekend is also a full moon (Saturday night) which means it’s time for the Arizona Trail 300. I’ll be somewhere between Tucson and Superior while she’s racing her heart out. Hopefully I’ll still have some heart left at that point, because I won’t be anywhere near finishing.

I attended the last two trials with Paula (’00 and ’04), but I have a feeling this time ’round is going to be a breakthrough for her. She has sure worked harder than I would have imagined possible. She’s figured out quite a few things in the last four years, too. I’ll be sending her fast thoughts from 5am to ~7:30am Tucson time. I know I’ll be up and riding then.

I’m almost ready for the 300. Trying some new things, both gear and strategy-wise this year. A bit of a gamble, but I’m in a gambling mood.

Can’t describe how much I’m looking forward to being out on the AZT again. There’s some phenomenal riding out there and I feel overwhelmed with gratitude to have the time, health, strength and ability to be able to experience it.

I’m also very much looking forward to the energy a strong group of riders can bring to ‘the event.’ Several strong locals and experienced out-of-towners should provide promise of a dynamic and interesting race. Can’t wait.

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