Cold Spots

For whatever reason, I haven’t been carrying a camera on recent rides. But I have been strapping a Garmin 201 to my bike. And here’s my “art”, aka, where I’ve been in the last week.

Riding bikes is my art, or it’s art to me. That image is just a representation, and tells nothing of truth of those rides. But I like it.

The action is in the “cold” spots (blue). That’s where I was climbing tech trail, or walking my bike. That’s where the good stuff is… sorta. “Hot spots” usually aren’t so hot (paviemento) — unless it’s descending Charouleau Gap, which is hot as it gets.

The most recent ride was at Agua Caliente. I’m reminded why I love that trail and that bike (Behemoth). I had an above average run at climbing that beast. Then Jay and I went on to find Milagrosa’s little brother, working title “AguaGrosa Trail.”

Alternate: “Gnat’s Ass Trail.” Some of the lines are as tight as a gnat’s ass. But overall less technical than its big brother. Could be a very nice “up” route. Can’t believe this was the first I’d ridden it. I’m kicking myself for not opening my eyes and seeing what was right in front of my eyes.

Snow in the mtns today. Trying to scheme to access some of it, but I’m kind of drawing blanks so far.

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