Two Smarties

Paula and I just finished an evening spin around South Table. Gorgeous sunset, zero people out there and the deer count was off the charts. My estimates for the number of deer on the mesa were grossly low. We saw two major herds of 16+, and many other groups of 4-6. Litterally, every 5 minutes we’d see another herd of deer.

Fortune smiled on us with some major, and I mean major, trail magic. Two smartie packs, unopened, in the middle of the trail.

Life is good.

I put in some good hours on TopoFusion this week. I’d say I did, in actuality, maybe 40 hours of actual programming. That, my friends, is a lot for one week. Yeah, people lie about 60 hours this and 100 hours that, but let’s face it, few people are actually working. Including me. I like to spend time riding my bike, or dreaming about riding my bike, or walking outside, or just doing nothing. This week is rare for me.

Nevertheless, the programming this week was fun. I have been teaching myself Direct3D and playing around with some new effects in TopoFusion. It’s going to be pretty cool.

We are off to the “Epic 3” weekend of trail work, camping and riding. The trailwork is on the Colorado Trail near Buffalo Creek. After my two trips on the CT, it’ll be nice to give something back. It’ll also be good to get away from the computer. My wrist can’t take much more of this, even though I can’t wait to get back to the Direct3D stuff.

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