Starr Pass

Took a nice ride with Lee today. We rode from my house to the tune of a cold headwind. This was the coolest day of the year so far. The wind had a chill but it really wasn’t all that cold (52 for a high?).

We rode the upper trail at Sentinel before heading out to Tucson Mountain Park. Great trails, great riding, great fun. We started out on ‘tech’ pass, where my downhill skills outclassed my uphill skills. Not a outclassing I particularly like.

Next was John Krein. Uphill was hard with the piercing wind, but I had a half decent run. Downhill was a treat now that I switched forks from White Brothers to Marzocchi (my White still refuses to hold air).

Finally, we took the continuation of the Yetman trail over to the rock house followed by the ‘hotel’ singletrack. Yep, it’s still fun. Yep, there’s a monster, vegas style hotel at the entrance. Yep, people are using it now — it’s not overgrown and it’s got trail dust.

Then it was back through town with a short stop to fill up on enchiladas and burritos at La Herrera. I’m pretty tired, but it feels good.

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