Rides… and the Jackal

My cold is gone and my hands are doing well, so I’ve been doing a few rides this week. First was a Suburban Assault loop that I bailed out of on the wash. I was too underlit. The batteries on my headlamp were too weak, and the city lights too bright. So I took Pontatoc down instead.

Next was some technical fun on the trails around Sentinel Ridge. New tires (Exiwolfs) and wheels. Two words, supple and strong. Two more: fun, fun. I countered my underlit ride this time by charging up my HID for the first time in quite a while. Yeee–haw.

I rode 2 laps of Prison Camp this morning while Paula and her mom did a hike on the Molino Trail. More fun with the big tires/wheels.

Since my hands are no longer half dead, the call is getting louder. The Jackal in my head is freeing itself from its cage. The idea is pretty big and would provide some nice closure to both major trips I attempted in 2005. I have my doubts (my foot has a problem, and my right leg is still not quite right), but the only way I’ll find out is to try. The cards are falling, and so far I like what I see.

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