Waiting phase 2

Erik Schlimmer (riding from Canada to Mexico) is nearing Tucson, so I have been gearing up for a multi-day trip on the AZT. My plan was brilliant — ride in one day from my house to the Gila River, taking pavement and dirt roads. There I would meet Schlimmer and show him some of the best singletrack on the AZT (Boulders, Antelope Peak, Oracle State Park, Cody). Then we’d climb the Control Road, over Mt. Lemmon, then hit Prison Camp, Bellota & Redington back to my house.

I have long been waiting for my hands and self to heal so that this kind of trip could be possible. It may be a touch early for my hands, but I was happy to have the excuse to get out (Schlimmer coming into range).

But.. No!! Devil bug has invaded my respitory system. Tuesday was sniffles and sneeeeezes followed by malaise & fatigue (oh how I love fatigue). The ride went out the window quick. Suburban Assault put me into the hurt locker. 16 miles.

Well, it’s Friday and he missed all that singletrack, but I hope to be able to meet him on Lemmon and least take him back into town. We’ll see how that goes.

In other news, the first AZT work party is this Sunday. Sweet.

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