Bent my Suburbo

More offroad recumbent fun today. This isn’t mountain biking, but it sure is fun. It’s a whole new challenge and is forcing me to learn new skills. I love it.

I managed to clean three or four sections that I dabbed, didn’t even try or crashed on last time. That’s progress. That’s awesome. It’s …. [Continue reading]

Bent off

My hands are gradually improving now, which I am absolutely estatic about. I still can’t even dream of riding a mountain bike, but I did buy something to keep me busy: a recumbent.

It’s rather funny (and sad) that there are now two Great Divide Race participants who are reduced to riding recumbents. Alan Tilling …. [Continue reading]

Before, during, after.

It’s been a month since I dropped out of the Great Divide Race at mile 625. In my painful account below I stated that I was truly suffering in the hotel room in Butte. I take it back.

My hands are still numb. My big toe is still numb. My ITB is so tight that …. [Continue reading]