Lee’s Report – Roosevelt

Scott suggested music for the big climb up to the pass after Whitford Canyon. The climb flew by with the music in my ear. Later in the day, I tried it again on another climb. Again, the music made the climb fly by. As I rode over the speckled road into the sun, I was thinking, I bet there are snakes here. Then, a rattler was right in front of me. I didn’t jump as much as usual because the music kept me relaxed, and the snake just calmly slipped away off the road. We have encountered several snakes and two gila monsters so far.

Continuous riding without needing to return to the car makes me think of old times and how people used to travel great distances on foot and wagon and horseback. We ascend high places and look back on distant places and think how only a day or two before we were in those mountains. Having the ability to purchase food or be hosted along the way makes it all possible. I’m thankful.


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