Rolling TMP

The weather was too perfect not to ride. A bit cool cruising through town and a bit hot cranking granny gear in the sun. But still short sleeves and shorts.

I climbed the Sentinel Ridge trail to the first turn, then headed further up the hill on the ‘Sentinel Challenge.’ Apparently I wasn’t up for the challenge. I rode as best I could, but near the top, when energy stores begin to drain, there’s only one line and its about 2 inches wide — just enough for a tire. If you can’t get there, you dab. Then, you walk.

I look forward to future attempts on that climb, perhaps with less than 50 psi and a rear tire that’s not on its last leg. Weak excuses, no doubt.

From there it was on to more challenging and narrow trail, then the drop to Starr Pass. Cool air cruising towards Shannon, then rock sliding fury up to the park boundary. I opted out of doing a standardish loop involving ‘the wash’ and instead rode eastside Yetman over to the Hedgehog descent. The last time I rode this trail it was barely passable — cactus was retaking it. This time you’d have to be a complete moron to attempt it all. I am a complete moron, but I did not attempt it. I trimmed a few spots back ever so slightly, but it’s still a squeeze.

Bless their hearts, the trail now drops right out onto the golf course. Maintenence guys didn’t seem to mind me making a hasty exit out onto the dirt access road. If there’s one thing we don’t have enough of here in Tucson, it’s golf courses.

Also, on Turkey day Paula smoked the field at the XC race at Reid Park. A free pair of shoes was her prize, but she wanted the 2nd place prize of a pumpkin pie instead. She couldn’t secure the trade, though.

I like the Thanksgiving XC race because they split up the men and women’s race. This means I can actually watch the race I’m interested in without hordes of men (who are in a different race) in the way. Plus, Paula gets to watch the men’s race. The looping course, hills and hay bales make it a good race to watch too.

Shane is still kicking it here at our place, keeping it real, supporting the scene and riding his roadie bike even when he’s so tired that it hurts. The guy has got some serious dedication, but riding everyday, no matter what? Too rich for my blood, and not intelligent training, either.

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