Finding Trails

I am once again hammering away at TopoFusion trying to find trails in aerial photographs (automatically). This has been an ongoing project that receives concentrated bursts of effort about once a year (hmm, couldn’t be due to a conference deadline, could it?).

Things are progressing, if slowly. I do tire easily of so much programming.

I had a nice pair of rides over the weekend. To Jerry’s house to pick up his HID on Saturday (back on Suburban assault) and Catalina Highway / Molino trail Sunday during Paula’s Cruise against Cancer race (she placed second overall and told Randy to roll her prize money back into the race). Both short, both easy. Funny how 3 hour rides are short to me now.

This morning I woke up early and rode ‘the assault’ in a perhaps futile attempt to accustom my body to riding before dawn. El ride de soul starts without el sol for roughly two hours (4am start time). It will make things interesting. Route finding on the first 30 miles of the course will either be much easier or much, much worse. It’s a hundy miler so at least there won’t be any hotheads at the start, right? Right?

At any rate I look forward to riding hard, enjoying the views and hopefully using the competition to push myself a bit harder than I might without. The only goal I have is to beat my time ( 9:18 ) from last year. Fitness wise it should be easy, but night riding and other factors might make it a serious challenge.

Back to finding trails for me.

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