
Sunset on Suburban Assault[/align]

I am more than ready for it to cool down. Sure, it is not that hot and the mornings are beautiful, but it seems that nothing is changing allergy-wise.

I felt OK last night for about 20 minutes. For the rest of the ride my nose dripped and my head stuffed up. It wasn’t bad, but it is most definitely getting old.

I headed up to the ‘dick’ trailhead for a little technical mayhem courtesy of Pontotoc. I relearned what I already knew: it’s very difficult to ride technical trails with only a cateye LED on the handlebars. If you stay on the line you intended, things are ok, but that’s not always possible, and once you’re off you need to look directly below you (where the light is not shining). I think the petzl on the helmet may be just the trick. I rode less than I ever have, but was laughing at myself throughout. I stopped at the wilderness boundary to stare out the city, bustling away down below me.

I stopped at Circle K for cat food, then as I was pulling out I witnessed a mulleted cyclist (on Magna/Motiv level bicycle) completely wipe out in the parking lot. It was difficult to restrain the laughter. He got up, laughed and yelled “Yeeeaah!” Then headed off down Ft. Lowell with no lights (or sense).

On Grant a woman passed by as I waited to cross. No lights, no helmet riding perhaps the busiest street in Tucson at night. Hmm.

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