We are off for our trip down the Great Divide Mountain Bike Route. The adventure begins.

I will be updating with journal entries whenever we can get to a computer, but it may be somewhat sparse for a while.

First we’ll spend a night in the Chiricahuas, then, June 21st, we’ll hit it quick and hard, riding all the way to Silver City that day. From there we hit a long stretch (4-5 days minimum with little to no services). I just hope that all the water sources haven’t completely dried up.

Participants: Scott and Paula.
Distance: Some 2500 miles.
Where: Along the Continental divide from Mexico to Canada.
Why: Why not?
Bikes: Scruz Hard tails. Scott w/ Bobola trailer, Paula with rear panniers.
Gear: Too much. It’s always nice to say that you’re “trying” to pack light though.

The heat, the sun and the desert are calling us. Let’s hope we’re ready to answer that call.

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