
One year ago I was almost completely unable to ride, and wrote here that I was actually looking forward to changing a flat tire on my bike. This year I have been riding myself into the ground, including major (six to twelve hour) rides in nearly every Arizona sky island. And this week I am knee deep in a mountain of flats. I think every bike in our entire fleet (about 10) has gone flat. Plus I am still struggling with the valve stems of our blackburn tube lot.

I got out for a few suburbo assault rides this week, including one with my Birthday present–the Bob trailer. I hardly had anything in it, but it handled quite well. I am looking forward to giving it another test run this weekend at Mt. Graham.

Work has been slow this week and I am not sure why. Sometimes when you feel unable to make progress, I guess, you should do exactly that: not make progress. So AL and I fired up the DOS emulator and reveled in classics like Starcon2, Wing Commander and Rise of the Dragon. I can’t believe how much time I spent with these games. But what else are you going to do when you’re 15, have school all day and come home to 30 degrees, darkness and snow? Break out the games and dream of spring.

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