
Today, a nice lazy Sunday. I needed it.

I cooked Quesadillas all day long, did yardwork and enjoyed the mild temps. I am feeling pretty good after yesterday’s thrashing on the Soul Ride course. I’m excited to go out and hurt myself on ride day.

I followed Hottie’s race, at each 15k split online. She’s in Chicago, racing with 40,000 other humans, all chasing some goal or another. I watched her train like a machine for the last two months, but she had a disappointing race. On pace for 2:42 until mile 20, she then slowed down for seemingly no reason. She is not sure what happened. One thing is sure: she can and will run faster.

I noticed today that the 2 meter topo maps on Terraserver are actually GIF (not jpg) and are higher quality than the 4m. Odin quickly added GIF loading and the 2M topos to TopoFusion. They’ll be in the next release.

7pm – We just threw a frisbee around in the street, then I rode my wobbly chameleon around the neighborhood, hopping curbs and enjoying the cool air. The evenings are beautiful this time of year.

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