Starr Pass

We are nearing the completion of our beta testing phase. The next full release will happen soon. Then we’re going to have to promote it in one way or another. My hatred for advertising and commercialism makes this very difficult for me. But we have simply worked too hard on TopoFusion to not get more people using it. It would be nice to get a few $$ for the efforts, but I’d rather just have people using and enjoying the program. That’s why the free version isn’t time limited and isn’t too annoying. I know (and have heard from) people using the demo extensively. That’s cool and what we wrote it for. Of course, we thank those who support our efforts by registering the program.

We were treated to a mild day and a beautiful ride out at Starr Pass this morning. We rolled out before 6am and headed west to Sentinel Peak. I cannot believe that I didn’t know about the Sentinel Ridge Trail when I lived on St. Mary’s. It’s a well constructed trail that rides really well. We dropped off the ridge onto Starr Pass Blvd. and headed off to Tucson Mountain Park.

We attempted tech pass and, as expected, got slaughtered on it. Neither of us cleaned it. Odin pointed out the cheat bypass that someone has created around one of the tough spots.

We went up Krein until the first dab, then I headed to the park entrance. As we rode out, people were just riding in. I’ve never seen so many people walk the hill to the gate.

Surprisingly, I enjoyed the ride back through town. Maybe it was that my knee was feeling top! Maybe it was that it was still only ~80 degrees despite being 9am. Maybe it was that it was Sunday morning which means the roads are nearly free of traffic. Maybe life really isn’t that bad?

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