
Today was the Cinco de Mayo race out near Starr Pass.

Hottie, the defending champ, had a horrible race and got beat. She’s been really tired lately, but it’s just how it goes with racing. Bad races suck, but there isn’t much you can do about them.

I remember hobbling around last year’s Cinco race, fresh off an injury to my right knee. This year I’m hobbling on my left. After a year, not much has changed, just a slight drift south.

Yet another entry into the annals of Tucson epics: fresh off my new injury, I rode approximately 30 minutes. I made it all the way to, and back from, the river trail.

Actually, it was great to get out and ride, instead of rotting in here all day working on TopoFusion. I will perish shortly if I’m not able to ride hard. It has been too long and the mountains north of here are calling me. The good news is that my knee is feeling OK–starting at 30 minutes is better than starting at 0.

Speaking of TopoFusion, we’re making progress with the beta. We added some more track/waypoint management stuff (even drag and drop) and even route uploading. We’ve been polishing up the other new stuff–alpha blending, new maps format and waypoint text. We have come very far with this project.

We got to drive by the Uni-House. Notice the how they spelled Starr Pass. It’s even on the electric signs outside the complex. I’d like to offer them my sincere thanks for tearing up more west side desert and then mispelling it.

Odin the brave reports 6 dabs on Brown Mountain this morning. He is inches away from my record. It was a solid run, no doubt. He claims robbery on all 6 of them, so next time he should clean it. Ha, we’ll see about that. What a trail!!

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