50 More Years

My computer has been resurrected. The power supply burned itself out so now I have a new one. And I learned that P4’s require an extra power cable to the motherboard. Don’t ask me how I qwerty-ized without it for 4 months.

I went out with M-R Sadow this afternoon to the 50 year area. We busted out an upper / deer camp loop in an hour or so, then met up for more trail building. We had a small crew, but we made some good progress on the Corral-bypass trail. The trail may or may not be fun to ride in the end, but it was fun to build.

One thing is certain: Sadow knows how to ride. It’s nice to ride with people that can climb technical trails. I’m deducting him 5 points for wussing out of the ramp-up drop, though. I rode it, but it was he that was waiting for me to catch up at the bottom of the descent.

Of course, he got 1,000,000 bonus points for unseating half of his front tire without popping the tube. I’m not sure if this has happened to anyone before: half of his tube was sticking out 2-3 feet from the side of his wheel, fully inflated. It was pretty hilarious.

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