2 GB

Though many thought Thursday’s epic was unbeatable, I was on my bike for 10 minutes longer today. I also took along 4 GPS devices, for a side-by-side comparison. I’ll slap a page together on the results when I have a few minutes.

Anyone out there with a ‘maps.dat’ file larger than 2 GB? One user reported problems with his 3.5 GB file. Indeed the standard file I/O routines operate on 32 bit signed numbers, which means you can’t address a file larger than 2 GB. That’s bad. So we’re in the process of figuring out what is to be done. There are a couple of approaches and most of them are acceptable. No one will lose any of the maps they have currently. The transition should be smooth with the next version.


4/11/03 – I’m through yet another hoop in my PhD degree. My presentation (quals) was mostly awful, but could have been worse. Unfortunately the details of my network algorithm weren’t exactly fresh in my mind–I finished the project nearly a year ago. So the comittee was able to throw a few nasty punches. Now that I’m thinking off my feet I realize my runtime analysis was correct, and that I do take care of the MAX in the hausdorff distance.

It was fun to talk about my own work, that is certain.

4/10/03 – Walked up the Finger Rock trail for a hour or so this evening. Very warm and a great sunset.

I also went to a new dentist today (John R. Large). When I got there I didn’t have an appointment (they forgot to write it down?!), but they squeezed me in. After the X-rays, the Dr. came in, looked at my teeth for 1 minute and left with barely a word. The assistant came back after a while and told me I needed all sorts of work including 1-2 root canals. They were willing to start the root canal(s) and do some fillings TODAY. Considering that I didn’t even have an appointment and that my teeth don’t hurt, I declined and took off running. I may or may not need the work he suggested, but I’ll definitely wait for a second opinion.

4/9/03 – Completed another in a long series of epic rides. At least I made it to the river trail and back without a flat. It was great to get out and my knee still feels ok.

4/8/03 – Dribble, dribble. I have yet to recover from the St. Louis flights, cold and trip in general. Things are moving slowly here at TopoFusion HQ.

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