
Spent the day working on my upcoming presentation and trying to deal with taxes. Then, Odin and I walked&talked the first couple miles of the Finger Rock trail. It was toasty warm today and the canyon provided a nice respite from the AZ sun.

Based on previous TopoFusion demos / talks I have given, I’ve decided against using full-on demos. I think it’s mostly because I never remember exactly what I intend to demo. So, I looked into screen shot video capture progams today. I ended up with CamStudio a free and very nice utility.

On the side I put together a few short demo clips for TopoFusion. They are downloadable from the screenshots page. Perhaps now people will understand what such vague terms as “trip playback”, “multi playback” and “trail simulation” mean. Or, maybe this will only add to the confusion.

The gnome is not feeling well today. 🙁

Also, our edges are a bit rough yet.

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