
Power discussions between the big two of TopoFusion today. Or, the future is presenting itself, and we’re hopelessly lost in it. But hope is unreasonable.

I’ve become aware that we (through this site) present ourselves in a professional and real-company-like manner. This is most certainly a reputation that is undeserved. The idea being that we tone it down so that people will pity “the little guy.”

Our decisions haven’t been motivated by profit, so we won’t tone down anything to make $$. However, we could perhaps let people know that TopoFusion HQ is a card table piled with papers, monitors and stereo equipment. Until recently we hung our “Preview Soul Ride Here” poster above our HQ, which, to be fair, was the worst poster ever created.

But the software rocks. The software is more important than where it came from, no?

It seems I am also receiving an undeserved reputation for technical skill on the two wheels. When they who claim my prowess realize how crappily I am capable of riding, the joke will be on them.

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