Racing the Arizona Trail

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The Arizona Trail Race - AZT 750

Mexico To Utah

Longest singletrack bike race in the world

Mandatory 24 mile portage across the Grand Canyon

April 5th, 2018, 7:00am, Border of US/Mexico. Concurrent start (1 hour earlier, different location) with the AZT 300.



The AZTR follows the same rules and intent as the AZT 300, it's just blissfully longer and has a mandatory hike across the Grand Canyon! Please read all of the pages on this site, or ask questions on's Ultra Racing forums.

State Trust Land Permit Required: The AZTR 750 route crosses State Trust Land (off the AZT itself) which means all riders must purchase a recreational permit. They are available at the link below, and can be purchased / delivered online ($15). Please note that AZT 300 riders do not need a permit, since there is an easement for the AZT wherever it travels on State Trust Land. The 750 requires a permit due to using roads and trails that are not AZT, but on state trust.

Note from Grand Canyon National Park: Groups of 11 - 30 individuals day hiking through the canyon as part of this Race will need to obtain a Special Use Permit through our office. You can find details about our permit requirements at the following link: