Flying by bike.
From Lake City we were on a big Wilderness detour. When the roads are dirt, beautiful and car-free, it’s hard to complain.

Especially because those roads lead you to sweet and juicy trail.

Oh yeah!
Find camp and ready ourselves for the punishment of Sargents Mesa.

Yep, there it is.

Smooth trail and huge views! Sargents gets such a bad rap.

More cushy trail and thick aspens. Who wouldn’t want to ride here?

Almost everyone would rather ride here — Rainbow Trail!
Silver Creek / Rainbow for a resupply route. Bikes win over hitch-hiking!

Could not resist riding North Backbone in Salida.

4th of July in small town Salida. A true slice of Americana.

The Monarch Crest trail. A true slice of MTB heaven.

Not quite ready for prime time, yet.

“Wolf Creek Pass, way up on the Great Divide…. Truckin’ on down the other side!”
Rolling the top of Monarch Ski Resort.

The sun faded as we moved high. Not ideal timing for camping.

An ideal place to watch the sun set and the clouds swirl.
Just ignore the mega mosquitoes, piercing wind and light drizzles.

Waking up here and not having to climb to reach the alpine is almost worth a crummy night’s sleep.

Walking with Gunnison County as a backdrop.

We definitely don’t spend enough time in places like this.

One of the last extended sections we rode by Boss Lake.

A few feet of blissfully rideable trail, leading to more chunk-a-lunk.

Water so clear it’s like glass. We’ve been spoiled by Colorado. No need to plan water. When you run out, start looking, it won’t be long.

Nice antennae, dude.

Chalk Creek Pass. Beautiful push.

Hancock Lakes, also beautiful. Also mostly unrideable.

Alpine Tunnel. Very rideable. Most rejuvenating.

A push straight up the mountain to avoid a huge snowfield. Also rejuvenating.

Splashing through alpine trail. You guessed it — also rejuvenating.

Incredibly well constructed descent to TinCup Pass road. The kind you never want to end.

Use of mechanized transport, No. Not so rejuvenating.

An 18 mile coast through St. Elmo and the cliffs of insanity will do. Especially when there’s ice cream at the bottom.

Ice cream and fun singletrack. Back on the Colorado Trail!

Good trail and tricky crossings.

Hey-suse rays gracing our Buena Vista Wilderness detour.

I almost wished this road would last longer.

Push the button!

Looking down while waiting for oxygen to be repopulated in my bloodstream.

Pushing out of the chunk of Hope Pass. Soon….

It will be rideable! YES!

CDT win.

Especially going down.

More people should ride Hope Pass. More should ride the CDT, for that matter.

Hardcore, redefined. How these Tejas kids weren’t whining, I don’t know.

Halfmoon/Elbert CT.

Best aspens on the Colorado Trail.
See you in October?

Funky and very well run hostel in Leadville. Only on the CDT does 10,200′ start to feel low.
Woooo Hooooo!!! Keep the fun coming. Good to see you two at the bike shop.