CDTbike photos – Winter Park to Steamboat Springs

It’s great to take zero days on the trail. But between work, planning the route ahead, blogging, email and other computer catch up, there’s never enough time. Even when it rains for 3 days straight and we take two zeroes here in West Yellowstone, there still isn’t enough time to do everything computery I’d like to compute.

But I did get to some more photos, here’s the reel of highlights from Winter Park to Steamboat.

High Lonesome trail goodness.

Meadows and bogs. Bogs and meadows. More High Lonesome.

Lots of people here going into the “Wilderness.”

Such a big animal!

Not so many people going here, despite lack of Wilderness designation. If you want to protect an area and ensure no one goes there, make it a non-motorized route and keep it off the maps.

Caribou Trail.

No trail, just trampled grass. But at least we’re out of the trees, where none can fall.

Rolling around Grand Lake.

Grand Lake’s Hostel. Awesome. Yes, you can stay up there, and cheap.

Supply Creek 4×4 climbing.

Flower decapitator!

Wolverine Trail. Tasty ridgeline rolling.

Always a good sign. Especially on a non-CDT Wilderness detour. The Wolverine Bypass Trail was an absolute blast of a descent.

Awkward walking on the CDT, open to motos. Not really their fault. Crappy trail routing for the most part.

How low can you go? As soon as we turned onto trail closed to motos, trees were down everywhere.

Looking up at Parkview Mountain, from camp. We go up there, really?

Yes, really. A rideable grade of tread, yes!

Layers. Pushing bikes into the highest of layers.

Briefly rideable along Parkview’s north flank.

Dream riding. Not real.

Guardian of Parkview. We talked to other hikers who encountered the same goat in the mornings at the summit.

Dropping back to earthly heights, with no trail to guide us.

Free riding.

Typically well contoured trail of Poison Ridge.

Tree graveyard on the edge of treeline. More Poison Ridge.

Storms-a-brewing. Not a good time to be at or above treeline!

Look close, somebody threw CDTers a bone, pulled out the sharpie and marked the trail. Super easy turn to miss as a more obvious trail goes straight.

At last, rideable and straightforward tread.

Never been so happy to be on a dirt road again. Hikers expressed the same sentiment.

Rabbit Ears flowers — beautiful trail.

We overestimated the amount of traffic this section of CDT sees. It’s still got a nice and raw feel, and lots of trees down.

Running hands through giant white flowers, heading down Fish Creek Falls trail.

Early chunk on Fish Creek was tres fun.

Still enjoying the chunk, and riding more than walking.

Where’s my big bike? And 3 days of rest to erase days of fatigue. And armor. And more tech skills than I have.

Much better at the bottom, but nothing straightforward about it. Steamboat and real food are so close!

Another big waterfall, and people touristing! Little did we know we were dropping into one of Steamboat’s most popular sights.

Steep and Rocky, yes, very.

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