Top ten signs it’s been a good week (photos not necessarily related).

10. The “speed” portion of the ride is done, but you’re still riding fast.

9. You (unintentionally) catch so much air on Charouleau Gap that you scare yourself.

8. You get to the top, pop open an ammo case only to find notes from friends/family (some over 10 years old) and a particularly whiny note from yourself, and can’t stop laughing. (Apparently this was the medium of choice for this kind of thing before MTBR, blogs, and FB, haha)

7. Ocotillo flowers! The desert is blooming.

6. You learn about a new trail on the way to the trailhead, find it, and get totally sucked in (Wormhole in Tucson Mountain Park).

5. You ride in the middle of the day, and it’s not even hot. Your frozen chocolate milk, that you left in the car, isn’t even thawed enough to drink when you’re done.

4. Your girl wins her first race since surgery!

3. You find yourself “selling it” even though no one is taking a photo, in fact, no one is around for miles.

2. You keep “selling it” all the way down Cherry Tank and through the lower 50.

1. You finish the ride at a friend’s house and that friend happens to be home when you’re done, and happens to be having a family party, and invites you in, and gives you a plate full of La Casita food to fill the void in your stomach.
Yep, it’s been a good one.
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