The Catalina Mountains are calling, still, and ever more loudly. My last two runs down Samaniego Ridge have been earned, not by sweat and pedal, but by petrol and gas pedal. I’ve been willing to ‘look the other way’ on all the shuttling in order to accomplish the goal of opening this epic trail. But it’s time to give the trail, the views and the flow more meaning. It’s time to pedal to the tip top of Mt. Lemmon, almost 7000′ above where I live. Then, see if we can hang on for the wild ride back down.

We met for a shakedown ride in Tucson Mountain Park, a repeat of the last Hidden Canyon Skills session. Right out of the parking lot Chad said, “I don’t know how much more of this technical riding I can take. Ouch, my legs hurt.” My ride out to the park didn’t give much more hope. It might have been the wind, or it might have been allergies. But after weeks of feeling all but invincible, I was feeling a little feeble.

The trail itself inspired, though. After watching Chad round a switchback I’ve only ever made by hopping, I quoted him, and did the same. Then I made the next one, by hopping up a big shelf, and I’d never made it before.

The S-curve (double switchie) went down to some carefully timed trials moves. Not as satisfying as rolling it, but I’ll take it, especially because I’ve never done that one before either.
So, weakened states aside, it was a good night. DaveM joined from the other direction, having shown up a little late.

Blargh! The ride back through town was tiring, though the carne asada was somewhat rejuvenating.
We are going ahead with the “Biggie Fri” (Big Friday Ride) plan, whether or not it’s a wholly good idea. We may both be tired, but the mountain has a way of inspiring, and it’s epic ride season. This season doesn’t last long –no jackets are needed to start pre-dawn, and no gallons of fluid are required to stay hydrated. No time to waste. Life’s too short and all that.
In both 2008 and 2009 we did a similar ride, from home, but descending the Red Ridge trail out of the Catalinas. Both were this time of November — no coincidence I am sure. Taking Sammie this time seriously ups the ante. The recent trailwork certainly improves our odds, but this is still a very big ride, and one I am not so sure is possible. No one we know of has ever done it. I’ll know more in about 24 hours, when I hope to be pedaling the river path towards home, buzzing and thoroughly drained.
Here’s the video I made of the 2009 ride, Pink Floyd soundtrack and all:
Stoked, yep.
get’er done!!
oh huge stoke!!!
have a blast!!
I forget how pretty it is there!
[…] That’s is not to say that Scott and I did not do a 14-hour ride last Friday, although the pain during said ride was when I realized that I need a 1-2 week rest from technical riding. You probably saw on his blog the video from a similar ride we did last year, if not check it out her…. […]