Pretty images in TopoFusion

Looking east at the Colorado Trail between the Ten Mile range, Copper Mountain and Searle/Kokomo Passes.

I wrapped up the testing and pushed out version 3.60 (edit: now 3.61. If you got v3.60 I recommend going to v3.61, see comments for details) with the new color aerials. I’m pretty excited about this development because it puts TF on a more level playing field with Google Earth (in terms of imagery, there’s still a lot that TF does that GE doesn’t). I’ve already found some areas where the images in TF are higher resolution than Google Earth. These new images also don’t suffer as much from the “patchwork” effect that is so prominent in GE.

For AZ, in particular, the images are simply beautiful, high res, and cover the entire state in a very consistent way. The only downside is that the various servers are not as responsive as, say, Terraserver (where TF gets all its topo maps). Expect some slow loads and hanging responses at times.

Anyway, coverage:

click to enlarge

Free/demo version: click [ HERE ] to download TopoFusion Pro with the new Color Tileset. Registered users refer to your registration email for the download link, or go here to request your code and the download URL. If I comp’d you a copy, find the email I sent you, or drop me an email and I’ll hook you up.

Once you have the new version loaded up hit the “C” key to switch to the new Color tileset.

All changes, and the sorted history of TF: Revision History

2 comments to Pretty images in TopoFusion

  • P.D.

    I have been drooling for this since I saw the preview. Excellent work!!!

  • scott

    I released v3.61, a new version that includes better handling of slow and bad server responses.

    I can’t test for everything and it seems the increased load on some servers (caused by TF’s release!) changed their behavior enough to cause some problems.

    Specifically, some areas would report white noise “unavailable” tiles when the server actually has the tiles (restarting TF would force it to retry those tiles). In v3.61 this shouldn’t be as much of an issue.

    Definitely recommend an upgrade if you got 3.60.

    Thanks PD.

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