I got a new fork for the Behemoth. 120mm TA Manitou fork:
But wait, something is seriously wrong here… (what is it?)
So instead I rode the Lev.
Whatchu lookin’ at, human??
He should have been in this shot, but by the time I moved my clumsy self over to the better angle, he flew off.
Pulling over to the side of the river path to take this shot, I was almost taken out by a cyclist. The guy must have been doing a ‘workout’ because he was flying, and in no mood to use the brakes. Road bike, no helmet, headphones in ear. I did not have headphones, and only heard him a second before he nearly hit me.
I’d rather get hit by a cyclist than a car, that’s for sure.
Coming down Finger Rock wash my snake detector had been giving false positives. A number of branches and reeds are down across the trail higher up.
After riding through the Sunrise culvert by headlamp I rolled onto the dirt. My snake detector fired again, but quick rational analysis led to “that’s too big to be a snake.”
Then… “those are diamonds!”
I hopped for all I was worth, easily clearing the snake. I snapped my head back immediately upon landing but it was already gone.
Another exciting day in the desert.
Scheming has begun for the next bikepacking trip. Actually, it has begun for the next two trips.
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