Families sit to dinner as I sneak through neighborhoods, gliding up hills and effortlessly down washes.
I write a lot about stripping away. In the dark, alone, there’s everywhere to hide, and nowhere to hide. You are your thoughts.
Glowing eyes sneak even quieter around me, seen and unseen. Usually coyote, but sometimes unknown. One pair of eyes was much rarer: Jaguarundi.
Or so I think.
My thoughts are flooded with the deep burn of AZT, GLR and GDR night racing. To my surprise, these memories do not hurt. They are good.
Everyone is inside, or moving in cars. Makes me feel unique, or maybe foolish. Your choice.
Descending, I feel the growing darkness of the wash on my skin. Riding the thermals home.
Strangely, this blog entry made sense to me.