TopoFusion Pro / Re: Combo View
« Last post by ScottMorris on June 09, 2020, 11:28:39 AM »This crash when panning/downloading should be fixed now in v5.71 just released. It is only a minor update mostly to fix that crash. Thanks!
I just pushed out a new version with new USGS maps and the "advanced track tools" dialog, among other things. Have you found the land ownership blend mode? It might be of interest.I can't seem to get the land ownership to blend with the MyTopo, using the dialog box. It seems it won't download? Others, do, however. I blended the MyTopo map and the USTopo map, and that works (and also shows private land boundary lines) and gives me a few newer trails that the older MyTopo doesn't show. I also can't get the JuicyTrail to load in blended mode (I don't know that map, but it sounded interesting to I tried it). I've attached some screenshots so you can see what I mean.
I can't recreate the crash when printing to landscape mode, so I'm puzzled on that one for now. I tried it on all my various printing devices. I believe that error has been reported before, so I need to hunt it down.Bought the Pro version and tried to print and same issue. It will print so long as I leave it in the mode it's currently in, but if I try to switch from one to the other, it freezes.