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TopoFusion Pro / Re: Questions about Pro
« Last post by ScottMorris on May 19, 2020, 04:16:49 PM »

Thanks for the detail here -- Juicy Trail *was* a cool one but unfortunately that server is shut down for good.  It's removed from the main map menu but I see it needs to be removed in a few other places, too.

Land ownership is loading for me today and yesterday.  If you use the 'A' key you can toggle land owner on/off comboed with the current map mode you are viewing.

Also try the "G" USGS map which is often different than myTopo.

Thanks for trying printing.  I will give it some thought as to what is going on.

Oh, and thanks for buying a copy!  Much appreciated.
TopoFusion Pro / Re: Questions about Pro
« Last post by VaTrailRider on May 18, 2020, 05:56:08 PM »
This one does load, however.
TopoFusion Pro / Re: Questions about Pro
« Last post by VaTrailRider on May 18, 2020, 05:55:31 PM »
This one does not load (JuicyTrails)
TopoFusion Pro / Re: Questions about Pro
« Last post by VaTrailRider on May 18, 2020, 05:53:33 PM »
I just pushed out a new version with new USGS maps and the "advanced track tools" dialog, among other things.  Have you found the land ownership blend mode?  It might be of interest.
I can't seem to get the land ownership to blend with the MyTopo, using the dialog box.  It seems it won't download?  Others, do, however.  I blended the MyTopo map and the USTopo map, and that works (and also shows private land boundary lines) and gives me a few newer trails that the older MyTopo doesn't show.  I also can't get the JuicyTrail to load in blended mode (I don't know that map, but it sounded interesting to I tried it).  I've attached some screenshots so you can see what I mean. 

I can't recreate the crash when printing to landscape mode, so I'm puzzled on that one for now.  I tried it on all my various printing devices.  I believe that error has been reported before, so I need to hunt it down.
Bought the Pro version and tried to print and same issue.  It will print so long as I leave it in the mode it's currently in, but if I try to switch from one to the other, it freezes. 
TopoFusion Pro / Re: Questions about Pro
« Last post by VaTrailRider on May 18, 2020, 11:56:33 AM »
Well, it does sound as if this will be an ongoing development, with hopes of it getting to where I would need it to be at some point, so I am going to purchase the Pro version.  Thanks so much for working on this. 
TopoFusion Pro / Re: Questions about Pro
« Last post by ScottMorris on May 18, 2020, 11:48:31 AM »

Thanks for the follow up here.  For some reason I didn't get the notification of new posts.

I just pushed out a new version with new USGS maps and the "advanced track tools" dialog, among other things.  Have you found the land ownership blend mode?  It might be of interest.

Yes, the grid lines would be true north--no correction for magnetic north.  There is a small scale bar you can add to the map and to all exports, yes.

In the next development cycle I'll look at making full grid lines an option you can turn on/off, as well as declination -- perhaps a more full and standardized scale bar as in your example there.  That would be a wonderful export style to have available.

I can't recreate the crash when printing to landscape mode, so I'm puzzled on that one for now.  I tried it on all my various printing devices.  I believe that error has been reported before, so I need to hunt it down.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Questions about Pro
« Last post by VaTrailRider on May 12, 2020, 03:29:30 PM »
I've attached an example of the info of the maps that MapPass used to have available, just for clarification.
TopoFusion Pro / Re: Questions about Pro
« Last post by VaTrailRider on May 12, 2020, 03:18:22 PM »
Thanks for the quick reply!

For printing I recommend using the 'export view' function to output a BMP or JPG file, then printing that.  You can get a higher resolution export that way.
I'll take a look at that, thanks.

Freezing in the print dialog isn't a demo limitation -- let me look into that.
I sent in a crash report twice, if that helps.

TF doesn't have tick marks or any declination option.  So would the current grid option work just without the lines that go across the map?
Yes, that would be helpful.  It's distracting when trying to see topo features with all the lines.  I'm assuming the grid lines are true north?

  I haven't looked at declination but adding a diagram probably isn't too hard -- have it as an option for printing and exporting.
That would really be wonderful.  The MapPass site used to do that.  It allowed you to do full length lines or tic marks around the edges and then gave a small diagram at the bottom of the map for a declination for that area.  What I have my students do is use the declination line normally found at the bottom corner of most topo maps to draw their own magnetic north lines on the map for orienting their maps in the field.  Much easier than always trying to remember the declination "remember a certain number to add or subtract" formula.

Do you think you could add a scale, too?  (Or is there already a way to add a map scale?)  So that people could see what distance equals 2000 feet, or a mile, etc?

Hope that helps, and sorry about missing some orienteering options.  Perhaps we can add them in the near future.
That would be fabulous.  That would honestly bring in a whole 'nother group of people from all over to your software.  Orienteering is a hugely popular sport and growing all the time.  While I teach to many types of people, my specialty is orienteering on horseback for people that want to camp and trail ride all over the country. 

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Questions about Pro
« Last post by ScottMorris on May 12, 2020, 02:32:26 PM »

For printing I recommend using the 'export view' function to output a BMP or JPG file, then printing that.  You can get a higher resolution export that way.

Freezing in the print dialog isn't a demo limitation -- let me look into that.

TF doesn't have tick marks or any declination option.  So would the current grid option work just without the lines that go across the map?  I haven't looked at declination but adding a diagram probably isn't too hard -- have it as an option for printing and exporting.

Hope that helps, and sorry about missing some orienteering options.  Perhaps we can add them in the near future.

TopoFusion Pro / Questions about Pro
« Last post by VaTrailRider on May 12, 2020, 01:38:22 PM »

I have been taking a look at the Pro demo before I see about buying it and I have some questions.  I teach orienteering, so being able to create and print maps as part of my lessons and clinics is very important. 

I have tried to print by landscape instead of portrait, but every time I try to choose the setting for landscape, TopoFusion freezes and I have to use the task manager to close it.  Is this just a Demo issue, or does the paid for version do the same thing? 

Is there a way to create tics for the UTMs instead of full grid patterns across the entire map? 

Is there a way to add declination information to a map? Maybe a declination diagram or something?

I am really liking this software so far, but these things would really be important to what I need this software for.  I've been looking for something to replace the MyTopo MapPass website that is being discontinued.
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