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Testing -- all seems to be working!

TopoFusion Pro / Problem with Live tracking and NO MAPS.
« on: September 12, 2008, 01:35:25 PM »
OK.  Thanks for the clarification.

I'll do some more testing with this and see if I can get it sorted out.

Sorry about the issue.

TopoFusion Anouncements / 3D downloads back
« on: June 26, 2008, 01:41:55 PM »
Yes, that function uses the same server, unfortunately.

Option B is to download DEM data by hand.  Instructions here:

It's a little bit involved, though, but it gets the job done.

Once again sorry about the issues.  It may be a few more days yet before the server functionality is back.

TopoFusion Anouncements / 3D downloads back
« on: June 23, 2008, 10:22:11 AM »
It looks like the server is still having issues.  I got a response from the admin and he said it's likely due to it being overloaded.  Someone is probably hammering it with requests and so it's refusing to serve up stuff.

He can't log in yet to do something about it, but we'll update when we know more.  For the time being it may be a little while before it's back up.

The good news is that this issue, though not common, will soon by a thing of the past.  We had already been talking to the server admin about creating a tiled and cached 3D system that wouldn't be subject to the overloading issues.

The bonus is that it will be super fast for downloading, and TF will also cache the 3D data itself, killing the need for much of the downloading to begin with.

Once again, thanks for the patience.  It shouldn't be too long.

Archived Support / I broke the logbook
« on: June 23, 2008, 10:18:14 AM »
All I meant was the path you listed above - users/name/app data/local.

I guess windows copied it there by itself?

Anyway, why don't you send me your log file and I'll see if I can get it to load.


TopoFusion Pro / 3D download problems
« on: June 23, 2008, 09:58:38 AM »
Yep, unfortunately the elevation server is having problems right now.  There's a post in the announcements forum about it.

I'm going to see if I can get an update on it from the server admin.

Sorry about the issue.

GPS, Trails, Training / Free Topo Basemaps - 40' contours!
« on: May 01, 2008, 12:08:55 PM »
A number of independent  developers are piecing together high resolution DEM data and GIS layers to form their own statewide Mapsource maps.  They are free, though I suggest donating some money for their hard work.

Here's AZ:

note: currently the roads in Pima county are off.  I've already contacted the devs to see if they think it's easily fixed

And CO, MT, UT, WY:

I don't yet have much experience with these in the field, but they look great in Mapsource and on the unit itself.

In the current version of TopoFusion Basic (2.971) there is a problem loading the global, Landsat tiles.  These come from Nasa'a OnEarth server, and they recently implemented some server changes that block the way TF Basic accesses the images.  Unfortunately there isn't much we can do about this.

TF Pro is not affected.  We suggest you upgrade to Pro if you need Landsat images.

TopoFusion Anouncements / Terraserver OK
« on: May 01, 2008, 10:05:56 AM »
Looks like it's back to its usual self - fast and zippy.

All map servers and up and running.

TopoFusion Anouncements / Terraserver OK
« on: May 01, 2008, 09:40:37 AM »
Terraserver is still serving tiles, but is much slower than usual as of this morning.

You may get a "error connecting to terraserver" message from TopoFusion if the delay is too long.  Try re-enabling downloading if this happens.

It should be back to normal shortly.

Archived Support / merge gpx and tcx
« on: April 29, 2008, 09:04:38 AM »
Hmm.  Interesting question.

Are the two files at the same time inteveral (e.g. once per second) ?

TopoFusion does something similiar -- merging power files with .gpx or .tcx.  But this would take a bit of extra code.

Where is the .gpx coming from?  A regular GPS?

Beta Testing / Beta v3.34
« on: April 28, 2008, 06:18:25 PM »

Version 3.34 is out in the usual place.  Changes:

3.34 - [4/28/08] (Beta)

Added "Garmin Astro" tracking to live tracking.  Continuously
   downloads tracks from the GPS.
Uploaded saved tracks now preserve track name (if present)
Downloaded saved tracks names now preserved
Track name now shown in profile window, if existing
Added "Add file to Logbook" to right click file menu
Fixed average cadence computations to not include coasting
Fixed missing baud rate with Magellan units in GPS Transfer dialog
Removed NMEA tracking debug info


Astro live tracking was added by request.  Find it in GPS->Live Tracking.  For "GPS Type" choose "Garmin Astro." Then hit "Start Tracking."

Basically this function continuously downloads tracks and shows the most recent result in the map window.  In other words, this will work on any Garmin USB unit, but it's designed with the Astro in mind since each dog track shows up as a saved tracks.

The "center map on position" toggle will zoom the map to fit the *first* track downloaded, after an download is complete.  It may or may not be useful--let me know.

The map will automatically redraw when a download is complete, but the display will be a little funky if you pan/zoom the map during a download. You'll get it "in progress" rather than the most updated positions.


We're still working on better support for multi-track files, especially with names.  Also, disambiguating clicks when there are (say) multiple tracks in the same area.

Feature Requests / Increase zooming smoothness
« on: April 28, 2008, 06:13:48 PM »
This is a good point.  The zooming smoothness setting actually just changes how many intermediate steps are redrawn -- it doesn't change how much a "+" or "-" key actually changes the zoom by.

This is a setting that I've thought about adding for some time.  It needs to be there.

For PhotoFusion I find that the zoom tool (drawing a box with it) is the most useful to get the view I want.  


TopoFusion Pro / Combine multiple track logs into one?
« on: April 28, 2008, 09:05:35 AM »
Just use the merge tool and click in succession.  Then right click and choose "Save as.."

No points are dropped - they'll all be there in the merged track.

Hope that helps.

TopoFusion Pro / Export resolution
« on: April 23, 2008, 02:47:50 PM »

With Pro you will be limited to 4096x4096 image exports.  With Basic you might be able to go higher, depending on how much video memory you have.  Note that your Pro code will give you access to TF basic as well, so you could try installing Basic and see what you can get.

Our intention is to improve this in Pro, or find a way around.  Hopefully soon.

As for Global Mapper, I am really shocked they don't support world files.  What version are you using?  I have version 7 and see that it isn't supported.  Perhaps in the latest?  

If not I will make a note to look into the ".prj" format and see if we can add support for it in TF.


Archived Support / Export resolution
« on: April 23, 2008, 02:47:50 PM »

With Pro you will be limited to 4096x4096 image exports.  With Basic you might be able to go higher, depending on how much video memory you have.  Note that your Pro code will give you access to TF basic as well, so you could try installing Basic and see what you can get.

Our intention is to improve this in Pro, or find a way around.  Hopefully soon.

As for Global Mapper, I am really shocked they don't support world files.  What version are you using?  I have version 7 and see that it isn't supported.  Perhaps in the latest?  

If not I will make a note to look into the ".prj" format and see if we can add support for it in TF.


TopoFusion Pro / Note to Edge 205/305 users (Forerunner too)
« on: April 16, 2008, 02:56:21 PM »
Please note that if you experience trouble with the interplay between TopoFusion and Training Center, we highly recommend updating to the latest Training Center.

You can do so here:

Example problems caused by old version of Training Center):

Claiming Invalid CRS file upon open (saved by TopoFusion)
Can't input .TCX files (only .HST)
Trouble syncing with Edge after uploading a course in TopoFusion

All these are resolved in the latest version of Training Center.

Archived Support / Removing HTML map icons, etc
« on: April 14, 2008, 07:30:59 PM »
OK thanks for the further explanation.  I can see how it can make a mess of the pics directory with all the thumbnails.

You're right that it's better to pull out pics of interest before doing any photofusion.  I always take many more pics than are interesting/useful, (like duplicates of the same shot) so I've been pulling pics into directories for quite a while.

I imagine it would take a while to load 3 gig of pictures!  '<img'>

Note that it'll only load pics that are visible, so even if you had all those pics placed as waypoints in a file you could look at portions of the route w/o loading everything.  Should work just fine.

I don't know if it's worth the effort to do an undo command.  I'm a little leary of deleting files from people's directories.  Extra files around are better than deleted files, know what I mean?

The feedback is appreciated as always.

Archived Support / Topofusion and Delorme PN-20
« on: April 14, 2008, 07:27:04 PM »
Agreed, this would be sweet - but at present I don't know a way to do it.

I haven't looked into it yet, but my guess is the registration is proprietary so as to protect their interests.  But, someone may be able to figure out the protocol and get images uploading.

Probably just a matter of time...

Archived Support / Folder Phantom
« on: April 14, 2008, 01:44:40 PM »

Something is wrong with your installer registry.  This has happened to a couple of users before, but it's always with some random program.

No idea what Phantom Folder is -- but if you check your add/remove programs list it's likely there.  Try removing it (esp. if you don't know what it is) and TF should start up without any complaint.

Let us know how it goes.

Archived Support / Removing HTML map icons, etc
« on: April 14, 2008, 01:30:27 PM »
Hi Larry,

The "place pictures as waypoints" button shouldn't touch your photofusion directory, right?

Maybe you mean the "Generate HTML Image Map" button?

There is no way to undo it, but you can safely keep regenerating HTML maps in the same directory -- it'll just overwrite what's there.

Same goes with the placing of waypoints -- as long as the "replace" option is checked you can redo the placement of photos and the old ones will be removed.

Not sure why an undo for the HTML map is necessary.  Seems like it isn't too hard to just delete the whole directory?  We could think about adding a function that removes all the files TF created, I suppose.

TopoFusion Anouncements / V3.32 out - minor revision
« on: April 10, 2008, 09:26:56 AM »
Hi all,

We released a minor revision of TopoFusion Pro today.  It clears up a few issues that have arisen since V3.31 which is otherwise quite stable.


3.32 - [4/9/08] (Full Release)

Fixed power .CSV import for iBike exports (no torque info)
Fixed possible crash with ā€œinterpolate GPS at 1 sec intervalsā€ function
Fixed min/max computation for grade (was setting cut-off based on average
    uphill grade and average downhill grade)
Weakened grade and speed smoothing in profiler (smoothing options to come)
Fixed added waypoint fields in Lap Analysis (were always coming out as
   ā€œstopped timeā€ style waypoints)
Changed Saved Tracks to display ā€œNo timeā€ instead of ā€œDec 31, 1989ā€
Added distance field to CSV exports (for RaceDay)

Archived - Feedback and Comments / Bug: Runtime error '380'
« on: April 10, 2008, 09:25:33 AM »
This was fixed in the current release - out now.  Thanks again for taking the time to report it.

TopoFusion Pro / Y-axis scaling issue when displaying grade profile
« on: April 10, 2008, 09:23:38 AM »
Just wanted to add that this bug with the grade range was introduced in the last few versions -- older versions were doing it correctly, but when we upgraded the profiler to do HR/Cad/Power it got fouled up.

TopoFusion Pro / Y-axis scaling issue when displaying grade profile
« on: April 10, 2008, 09:22:51 AM »

The latest version clears up this issue.  Thanks much for pointing it out.

The min/max was being set by the min/max of all loaded files, but it was their average uphill and downhill grade.  Thus the limited but moveable range.

That was definitely a bug.

Now you'll get the full range for the currently profiled track.  There's a tiny bit of smoothing right now.  In the next version we'll have buttons to increase/decrease smoothing which should help quite a bit for grade plots.

TopoFusion Pro / ALL downloaded tracks - wrong date (Garmin 60csx)
« on: April 10, 2008, 09:20:02 AM »
New version now shows "No Time Data" for saved tracks, as it should be.  Will get the names in there (as default to save the track) in the next revision.

Archived Support / ALL downloaded tracks - wrong date (Garmin 60csx)
« on: April 10, 2008, 09:20:02 AM »
New version now shows "No Time Data" for saved tracks, as it should be.  Will get the names in there (as default to save the track) in the next revision.

Archived Support / Can't Attach Power data
« on: April 10, 2008, 09:18:59 AM »
New version is out with the fix.

Yep, some more detail on how the auto works would help.  I think you'll find it much easier now that it's actually reading your data files correctly!

Archived Support / Can't Attach Power data
« on: April 09, 2008, 04:20:50 PM »
Thanks for sending the files!  The iBike threw a bit of a wrench in things since it doesn't record Torque!  

I guess none of our testers used an iBike -- PowerTap and SRM both give torque, which of course isn't necessary since TF doesn't use it, but it messed up the input routine.

I've fixed it and will have a new version out, likely tomorrow.  I also fixed the interpolate function.

But in the meantime, here is a TCX file of your ride with power:  The auto-offset came out at ~320 seconds.

Archived Support / Washed out maps
« on: April 09, 2008, 01:28:06 PM »
Glad that was it.

Not sure how it happened -- it depends which version you were upgrading from.  There was a change in the way the brightness was handled several versions back -- it may have been from that.

Otherwise, upgrading shouldn't change a setting like that.

If you notice it again, please let us know.  Thanks.

Archived Support / Washed out maps
« on: April 09, 2008, 08:07:43 AM »
Go to Window->Image Processing

Use the "return to default" button.  Or, check the "enhance contrast" button.

Archived Support / Can't Attach Power data
« on: April 08, 2008, 04:52:37 PM »
Go to Map->Track Shading and choose Power.

Sounds like it is working in that it's adding more data to your TCX file.  (Also profile the track and you'll see power data).

Now, whether or not the offset is correct is a different issue.  I'll take a look when I get the files.  Thanks.

Archived Support / Can't Attach Power data
« on: April 07, 2008, 08:42:28 PM »
Sounds like you are doing everything right.

An offset of -1722 is about 28 minutes which does sound a little off, but it should still give you a valid attachment (it should still "work").

When you say that all attempts to attach power fail, how does it fail?  Does an error come up, or?

In any case, if you can send both of your files to we can take a look and get back to you.  

Thanks and sorry about the issues.

TopoFusion Pro / ALL downloaded tracks - wrong date (Garmin 60csx)
« on: April 07, 2008, 02:16:08 PM »

Good question.

In all Garmin units the "Saved Tracks" cannot store time/date info.  It's by design, for whatever reason they did it.

So, it's best not to use the "save" feature on the GPS (if you want your time stamps).

As for the track names -- they don't show up in the Downloaded Tracks Dialog, but they should make it through if you right click on a track and choose "edit track info."

I'll make a note to see if we can't get the names to show up in that dialog, and also give something more meaningful in the time/date column (rather than the bogus time/date).


Archived Support / ALL downloaded tracks - wrong date (Garmin 60csx)
« on: April 07, 2008, 02:16:08 PM »

Good question.

In all Garmin units the "Saved Tracks" cannot store time/date info.  It's by design, for whatever reason they did it.

So, it's best not to use the "save" feature on the GPS (if you want your time stamps).

As for the track names -- they don't show up in the Downloaded Tracks Dialog, but they should make it through if you right click on a track and choose "edit track info."

I'll make a note to see if we can't get the names to show up in that dialog, and also give something more meaningful in the time/date column (rather than the bogus time/date).


Archived - Feedback and Comments / Bug: Runtime error '380'
« on: March 31, 2008, 09:33:22 PM »
This is as good a place as any.

Thanks much for reporting this!  The bug was introduced in v3.31 but none of our tests found it because it only occurs when you have no GPX files loaded.

As long as any GPX, (or kml/tcx/etc) is loaded, the error won't happen.

We'll get 'er fixed in the next version.  Thanks again for reporting it!

Archived Support / Splitting multiple tracks in a GPX file
« on: March 31, 2008, 09:23:58 PM »
Unfortunately there's no easy way to split tracks, or view a table of cumulative stats in TopoFusion right now.

You can, of course, right click on any particular track and get the profile window to pop up -- this will be the cumulative stats for only that particular track.

We're working on a better way to view / deal with files such as yours, to be seen in a future release.  But as of now some things in TF are better handled with the one file per "trip" modus operandi.  

I have so much data that having it in one file wouldn't make much sense.  Just curious why you have so much data in a single file.  Was it an export from another program, like the Garmin logbook or something?

Archived Support / error message
« on: March 31, 2008, 09:19:25 PM »

Sorry for the delay in response -- I have been out pushing my bike (and sometimes riding it) for the last week or so.

First, to get your TF loading again simply delete the file 'TopoFusion.ini' from your TopoFusion directory.

Second, there was a intermittent bug in track download that was fixed several versions ago.  What version are you on?  And, I suggest upgrading to avoid future problems.


Archived Support / New 3D export options
« on: March 31, 2008, 09:17:11 PM »

I know what you mean with the background being useless/annoying and I'd sure like to work out something with it.  I'm not sure your plan is worth the effort, however, mostly just because it seems complicated (from a user's perspective).  

Have you tried a dimension larger than 4000 yet?  Most cards will be limited by that, so increasing further won't be an option.

I'll have to give this one some thought.  It may be that the best solution is to just go towards a more continuous 3D model--one that may be lower resolution outside the area of interest, but at least showing something instead of black.

Any other thoughts you have are welcome, though.

Archived Support / Can't post
« on: March 31, 2008, 09:11:38 PM »
Try again - sorry.  We've been out traveling by bike, so no one was here to approve messages in this sub-forum.

TopoFusion Pro / Y-axis scaling issue when displaying grade profile
« on: March 31, 2008, 09:10:11 PM »
Gotcha.  Just got back from a trip, but will look at this ASAP.

The way the profiler computes grade is a little funny. There's some smoothing in there, so that may be part of what's throwing it off.

Thanks for the post.

TopoFusion Pro / Y-axis scaling issue when displaying grade profile
« on: March 25, 2008, 08:46:45 PM »
Generally you're right, but not so much in the case of grade.  It's very easy to get ridiculous grade numbers such that it's quite useful to have a cap.

But the current limit is too small, and if you've got good data, you want to see it all.

Feature Requests / Configurable Profile Items
« on: March 25, 2008, 01:43:20 PM »
Agreed - configurable data fields is a GREAT idea for the profiler.  Esp. given some of the potentially useless ones (like power for people that don't use it!).

Thanks for the suggestion.

TopoFusion Pro / Y-axis scaling issue when displaying grade profile
« on: March 25, 2008, 01:42:21 PM »

Thanks for the feedback, and glad you're digging the software.

You are right that the grade profiles are cut off at 10% and -10%.     It's not really a bug, but an arbitrary limit.  It should in minimum allow a larger range (likewise with pace, and power).

Speed you can control the high point (albeit not in an easy-to-access way) using the "minimum speed allowed" setting in Options->Preferences.

What I envision, for the next version of TF, is user selectable high and low points for all types of data.  These would apply both to the profile limits and the track shading on the map.  It's a sorely needed addition and will be made a priority.

TopoFusion Pro / colorado 400t
« on: March 23, 2008, 10:02:44 AM »
Yep, the Colorado will work just fine.  Instead of using the usual GPS transfer dialog, the Colorado is simply a USB drive.  So you drag and drop .GPX files from the Colorado into TopoFusion (or first onto your hard drive).

Given the storage limitations, I'm sure maps in Topo! and TF are still more detailed than what you can get on the Colorado.  But still, it's a great step in the right direction.

TopoFusion Pro / Unable to download tracks from Etrex Vista C
« on: March 23, 2008, 09:18:54 AM »
Glad you got it figured out.  Sounds like there was likely a problem with the Garmin USB drivers.  Or possibly the firmware update reset the settings.

I would have suggested the drivers next, but I was out riding all yesterday (11 hour ride!).  Cheers.

Archived Support / Unable to download tracks from Etrex Vista C
« on: March 23, 2008, 09:18:54 AM »
Glad you got it figured out.  Sounds like there was likely a problem with the Garmin USB drivers.  Or possibly the firmware update reset the settings.

I would have suggested the drivers next, but I was out riding all yesterday (11 hour ride!).  Cheers.

Thanks for the suggestion.  We'll look into it.  There should be standard NMEA sentences for that info.

Archived Support / Problems with CF-29 and internal GPS connecting
« on: March 21, 2008, 09:14:30 PM »
Let's see, if it's ending up in Africa is it possible the sign on the longitude is just flipped?

Strange that going in to MS streets and trips "fixes" it.  My guess is that I can debug this if you just have it sit trying to track for a minute or two and then send me the resulting log file.  I believe there is debug info still present in the log file.


TopoFusion Pro / Unable to download tracks from Etrex Vista C
« on: March 21, 2008, 09:12:09 PM »
Thanks for the log.

We've sent you v3.12 to try.  Since it doesn't work in Mapsource I  suspect something is wrong with windows (USB), or the GPS itself.

Make sure that the GPS is set to "GARMIN" interface mode in the settings menu.  (The other setting is NMEA).

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