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Messages - Krein

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Beta Testing / Version 3.09 - More import/export options
« on: May 31, 2007, 07:12:49 PM »
A couple of notes:

Shapefile import is a little strange, which is why we haven't added support until now.  It's unbelievable, but the ESRI format doesn't store coordinate or projection information.  So the basic assumption is that any file is in Lat/Lon (geographic) projection, which it seems most files are.  

Otherwise, in UTM, the zone values are not stored.  So for now we are assuming that the file is in the current zone of the map.  So if you happen to load a file that's in UTM coordinates, you may need to first go to the correct zone you want it to end up in.

We could add a dialog to ask for zone information if the file is UTM, but I'm not sure it's necessary.  Maybe someone can shed some light on this?  I try my best to not deal with shapefiles if I don't have to...

KML support is also much better now, including rudimentary export.  Import should work much better.  The basic idea is to get all the important info into/out of a kml file, not all the 'frills' that they keep adding to the format.

GPS config was added, as a convience, to the GPS transfer dialog.  I found myself always switching between Garmin Foretrex (serial) and a USB unit, and having to go back and forth to the Preferences screen.  Even if people never change it, it's still more convienent for first time users, especially.

Still have mucho on the list 'todo', hopefully we'll be cracking a few more off soon.

Any comments or problems, please post here.

Beta Testing / toggle maps off, can't point edit gpx points
« on: May 31, 2007, 06:55:24 PM »
Fixed in latest beta, BTW.  Thanks for pointing it out.

Beta Testing / Version 3.09 - More import/export options
« on: May 31, 2007, 12:08:54 PM »
3.09 just out.  Quickly:

3.09 – [5/30/07]

Added shapefile import
Improved .kml import
Added basic .kml export
Added GPS config dialog to GPS transfer dialog
Added confirmation dialog (y/n) to file renaming
Added purchase links to installer
Added “run TopoFusion” option to installer
Changed “no map” message for tiles outside UTM zone
Added “zoomed too far out” message

More details later....

Archived Support / Linking Photos to GPS Track Waypoints?
« on: May 30, 2007, 07:12:54 AM »
Short answer: no.

A little more info here:

Second person in as many days to request it.

Feature Requests / Geo tagging images
« on: May 29, 2007, 03:32:17 PM »

Thanks for the interest.  Unfortunately TopoFusion can't add coordinate info into the EXIF headers.  I also don't know of any software that does this.

While you don't need the 'track' once the photos have been placed (the photos are simply waypoints), I see what you mean about many photographers just wanting the coordinates with the image file.

Several others have requested this.  I will try to take a look at how difficult it would be in the next few days.  I'll post an update if I make some progress.


Archived Support / Help with User Maps
« on: May 28, 2007, 06:15:48 PM »

Head on over here:

I wasn't finished with the page, so hadn't posted it.  But it describes the basic fairly well now.

Feel free to post any questions here.

Beta Testing / Version 3.08 - Some fixes
« on: May 22, 2007, 05:35:18 PM »
3.08 is available at the usual place.  Thanks for any testing.

3.08 - [5/22/07]

Split profile/merge tool into two tools
  Profile now only profiles tracks
  Merge tool is used to join tracks
Added support for GT-3 USB GPS
Fixed possible crashes in NMEA live tracking
Fixed problem editing/selecting tracks/points when map
  display is disabled
Fixed problem reading UTM text files (from TopoUSA)
Fixed crash editing track properties

Archived Support / Merge Tracks and Waypoints?
« on: May 21, 2007, 09:55:11 AM »
Quote (gsellis @ May 12 2007,7:34)
Hmm...  That finally worked.  The first couple of times I tried it, it did not.  Me nots understand (there is a Star Wars marathon underway and Jarjar was just one ;)  )

BTW, if you get a bug report, I flagged the wrong item.  Context click on a track, Edit Track Information.  When I change the URL and URL Name, I got the send error message box.

Cool.  Thanks for the bug report.  I fixed that one last week.  Next version will have the fix.

Yep, no way to track and drop tracks or track points (yet).

TopoFusion Anouncements / Pro Version 3.05 Released
« on: May 21, 2007, 09:51:49 AM »
Instructions sent.

Beta Testing / toggle maps off, can't point edit gpx points
« on: May 18, 2007, 09:43:22 AM »
Huh!  You're right, it doesn't work.

Not intentional, since select points with the box tool still works.  I'll get it fixed for the next version.  Thanks for noticing.

It can be nice to edit with the map off since it's easier to see what the track is actually doing.

TopoFusion Anouncements / Pro Version 3.05 Released
« on: May 17, 2007, 09:19:24 PM »
Check your email.  Info sent.

Feature Requests / Network Options
« on: May 16, 2007, 01:22:13 PM »
OK, good idea.  I'll add it to the list.  I've got some other things I want to work on with the network feature too.

Beta Testing / Track outlining doesn't go away
« on: May 16, 2007, 01:20:40 PM »
This is a bug, of sorts, and will be cleaned up in the next release.

The "better" way to profile is to just right click on a track when you are in pan mode.  It will still be highlighted, but the highlight is much less persistent.

The problem is that the profile tool is the merge tool as well, and when merging you want your track to stay around more, perhaps even if you disable files that are a part of it.  

We're going to two tools soon.  Thanks for the feedback.

Archived Support / Screen contrast changes
« on: May 13, 2007, 09:41:18 AM »
That's what I get for reading help.
Yes, it was incredibly obvious.
Window >> Image Processing >> Reset to default.

Brightness was all the way down.  I didn't find it last night.

No "dope slap" smiley?

LOL - the help!  Yep, some parts are not updated for PRO.

I think I 'approved' the wrong one, but to answer your question, you probably moved the brightness down all the way while on v3.03 - v3.05, since the "extra" gamma correction bug was making things too bright for you.

Just a guess.

Glad everything is OK.

Archived Support / Screen contrast changes
« on: May 13, 2007, 09:38:44 AM »
Quote (Larry @ May 13 2007,10:14)
Scott, I suppose 'no problem' is not much help, but on my system, Vista Home Premium, ATI 1650 GPU and latest driver, the brightness slider works as it should as well as the enhance contrast checkbox in 2D mode. In 3D mode, the slider does not have an effect. (That would be nice!) I cannot produce a dark gray shade however with the slider; it's aways some degree of white as I would expect.

That does help, thanks.

Do you mean that you can't get the whites to 'gray' out as in Wayne's screen shots above?  When I crank the brightness down on mine, it looks very close to that.

Brightness/contrast do work in 3D, in that "what you see is what you get".  Meaning that your current settings transfer over.

It should be easy to make the slider / checkbox affect a change in 3D.  Thanks for noticing that, it'll be in the next beta.

Archived Support / Screen contrast changes
« on: May 13, 2007, 07:00:28 AM »

It looks like the brightness slider is turned down to me.

Brightness/contrast should work for all tilesets EXCEPT for combo.  Open up the Image Processing dialog and hit "return to default."

It's possible the 'bug' that was causing inconsistent brightness (gamma correction, really) was working consistently for you, but causing things to get much brighter.

Let me know if that's not it.

Archived Support / Multiple Monitors
« on: May 13, 2007, 06:57:37 AM »
Wow, that's strange.

It works on my Nvidia GeForce 5700 with multiple monitors (one digital, one analog, just like yours), no matter how I position the TF window -- all on one, spanning, etc.

I assume your drivers are up to date?  If not, go grab the latest from

It's always possible that it's a TF bug, but we really don't have much to do with multiple monitor support -- applications don't do anything special, or deal with it at all -- it's handled by the video drivers / card.  

What's the resolution on the analog monitor?  There have been some issues when the TF window is REALLY wide -- on some systems.  However, I am pretty sure moving to "PRO" took care of these issues for people.

Archived Support / Issue - 2.97 to 3.07
« on: May 13, 2007, 06:51:56 AM »
Sorry about the trouble.  Do you have your original TF registration email?  That has the link where you need to download the Full version from.

The DEMO accepts codes, but cannot be registered.

This happens enough (understandably) that I'm going to make a note to have a box popup in the DEMO if you've previously entered a name/code.

If you don't have the email, drop us a line at support AT and we'll send it to you.

Archived Support / Merge Tracks and Waypoints?
« on: May 12, 2007, 06:24:25 PM »
If I'm understanding what you're trying to do, you can "drag and drop" waypoints between two files.

Just open both properties windows for each file, open to the waypoints tab, and grab the ones you want.

Hope that helps.

Archived Support / Screen contrast changes
« on: May 12, 2007, 05:51:36 PM »
Hey guys,

I'm pretty sure we finally eliminated this problem.

v3.07 is up in the usual place (not beta) with the fix.

Let me know if you still experience any problems with it!

Thanks for the feedback on it!

Feature Requests / Problem with GPS reciever and Topo Software
« on: May 12, 2007, 05:46:50 PM »
Address sent.  Thanks for the offer!  Should be able to get it to roll and then you'll be up and running.

Archived Support / .KML file input errors
« on: May 12, 2007, 05:46:14 PM »
Yep, it changes based on your setting.

We should be updating the docs for TF soonly.  Might be nice to have some options on some of these exports, though too.

Archived Support / .KML file input errors
« on: May 12, 2007, 03:06:26 PM »
This is definitely a problem with the TopoFusion .kml reader.  That .kml file is very messy, but apparently still valid.

Thanks much for sending the file so we can work with it.  We'll have a fix in the next version.

Glad you found a workaround in the meantime.

Beta Testing / photos on maps causes hang
« on: May 12, 2007, 02:42:01 PM »
Quote (red-haze @ May 07 2007,3:43)
finally using the photofusion and picture features of topofusion. however, my system hangs when I mouse over a picture/waypoint  that has been placed by photofusion on the map. the pic will expand and return to its small pic on mouse over but from then on topofusion is inoperable.
using topofusion on Dell Inspiron 9100 with updated drivers

btw, trip to sedona and moab was great.

Hmm, this is troubling.  What version are you using?

Send (and/or post) your TopoFusion.log file.  There might be a relevant D3D error there.  

Not sure what else to do except look at the log right now.  Thanks.

Just went to Sedona for the first time, it was a cool trip -- good trails.

Feature Requests / Problem with GPS reciever and Topo Software
« on: May 12, 2007, 02:37:22 PM »

Not aware of any problems, but I haven't heard from anyone using this particular GPS either.

So it is a USB GPS, but it emulates a serial (COM) port.  It should work OK.  You'll want the "NMEA/Magellan" setting, and as for baud rate -- I'm not sure but probably 4800.  Maybe the manual indicates what baud rate to set?

If you can't get it to work, I could sure try it here if you mail it.  Would be interesting to try it out.

Option B is to use a program like HyperTerminal to capture the NMEA sentences.  I can make sure it's parsing them correctly.  They might be slightly different for some reason.  A serial port monitoring program would work, too, if you've got that.

Thanks for the feedback on this.  Looks like a handy little GPS to have.

Archived Support / Leave the "moderator approved" message up longer
« on: May 12, 2007, 12:28:08 PM »
Haven't been able to find any setting for how long it stays active.  Still looking though.  This forum software is not very well organized.

Sorry about the confusion its causing.

Archived Support / multiple track segment selection
« on: May 07, 2007, 05:54:05 PM »
Got it.  The program is not looking at time information at all.  It simply merges the tracks in the order the track points are stored.

You know you can right click and select "reverse last track" when in the merge tool, right?  That solves any of these issues.

That said, it would be great to have a mode where it will choose to reverse the segment you just clicked on (or perhaps the entire set of tracks you've already clicked on) so that it lines up.

This kind of mode might be undesirable in some cases -- when you want strict control of the track and the direction it travels.

Anyway, this is a good time to be thinking about this, since we'll be splitting the merge and profile tools.

Archived Support / Network:  Reduction strength
« on: May 07, 2007, 05:50:15 PM »
Yes, it really is 76 meters.  Note, however, that it is the maximum distance that the tracks can be apart -- meaning that at all times they must been within 76 meters or less.

It sounds kind of large, but for general purpose networks, I've found it to be a good starting value, or roughly around there.  I think the default is a little lower than that?

Archived Support / Screen contrast changes
« on: May 07, 2007, 01:59:17 PM »
Well, I'm pretty thoroughly stumped on this one.

v3.0 did not exhibit this behaviour but 3.03+ does.  It's not the new brightness/contrast method and it's not the DXT1 compression.

Anyway, I will be looking in more detail at this and hopefully fixing it this week.  Thanks for all the feedback on it.

Archived Support / Network:  Reduction strength
« on: May 07, 2007, 01:56:39 PM »
Got your pic by email -- thanks.

It's hard to tell without actually looking at the data (in TopoFusion, where I can zoom in), but there is the requirement that two tracks have to actually cross each other twice in order for them to be reduced.  This way the tracks form a 'face' on the graph.

It's kind of hard to explain why this is, but in some cases, where there isn't a lot of data, you might need to grab a point from one track and pull it so that the track crosses with the other.

Usually this is not a problem, but for some data in can be.

If this isn't the case or you need more explanation, let me know and send me your source data so I can take a look.

For the Krein trail -- I cannot ride the whole thing to the peak, no.  There are 3 sections (one the final turn at the top) that I have never ridden uphill.  I have seen the top switchback cleaned on the downhill, though.

Everything else is rideable, but you have to be superman to string it all together.  I dab and flail around up there, and that's what keeps me going back -- the challenge.

Archived Support / Track Point Reduction
« on: May 07, 2007, 01:51:46 PM »

That's funny, I've only ever wanted to reduce tracks to a certain number -- never thought about dividing them by a certain amount.

We sure could add that calculation to the dialog.

I am 100% with you on a way to select multiple tracks, even if only from within one file.

I envision a new dialog, in analysis, for these tasks, perhaps leaving the current one as is for single track operations.  One thing I've been meaning to add for some time is the ability to simplify and split a track for upload to a Garmin unit's 'saved tracks' memory area.  I have code to do this in the program, but it's only accessible to me so far.  This would be a good place to have that function as well.

E.G. you have a 20,000 point track and want it simplified to 10,000 and split into twenty 500 point tracks.

I hope to start working on this soon.  Thanks.

Archived Support / multiple track segment selection
« on: May 07, 2007, 01:47:11 PM »

I agree with the suggestion to split the merge and profile tools.  We will soon split them (next beta).  Thanks for pointing out what should have been obvious.

Wayne, can you describe what you mean by 'end to end'?

Hopefully a separate merge tool will lend to the word 'join' being included in the docs.

Thanks guys.

Archived Support / Leave the "moderator approved" message up longer
« on: May 07, 2007, 07:35:10 AM »
No worries on the double post, and thanks for the feedback on the process.  We just enacted the 'moderator approve' status (for the 'General Support' forum only) due to the amount of bot-spam it's getting.

We're looking for completely new board software that should alleviate this issue.

I'll see if I can make the message show up for longer.

Archived Support / Profile for a track created in Topofusion
« on: May 07, 2007, 07:09:29 AM »
Here's some info:

Q: My track doesn't have elevation data (flat profile) what gives?

A: The profile tool and other elevation features only work when elevation data is attached to track points. If you drew a track using the Draw Track tool or your GPS doesn't save elevation data, the profile will be flat. You can add elevations to a track using the Climbing Analysis dialog.

(find under the Analysis menu)

TopoFusion Anouncements / Pro Version 3.05 Released
« on: May 04, 2007, 05:44:49 PM »
We released an minor update today -- version 3.07.

There was a bug in the way brightness/contrast is handled on some video cards.  We have corrected this, first in v3.06 by reverting to the old brightness/contrast method, and now v3.07 should have this issue fixed, with brightness and contrast NOT affecting the entire screen.

Thanks for the patience on this one.  It was a hard one to diagnose/fix since it only appeared on some systems.

Archived Support / Screen contrast changes
« on: May 03, 2007, 05:50:39 PM »
Hey guys,

I'm trying to figure this one out.  I can't duplicate the problem on any of my machines.  But a couple other users have reported the problem.

The common thread seems to be ATI video cards.  Not sure what is up.  Nvidia/Intel systems seem to be fine.

There's a somewhat unpredictable pattern to whether dialog boxes will change the contrast back to normal.  But it seems whenever the main TF window has focus, it's messed up.

You probably have the latest ATI drivers (Tom - seems like you've updated for previous issues?), but if not, please give that a try and let me know if there is any change.

This is a really strange one, but one we need to fix ASAP.  I may have to get my hands on an ATI system.


TopoFusion Anouncements / Pro Version 3.05 Released
« on: May 02, 2007, 01:44:59 PM »
TopoFusion is pleased to announce the latest update of TopoFusion PRO.  This version cleans up many small issues in the v3.0 release, as well as adding new functionality and especially optimizations to the program.

Stay tuned for further development of TopoFusion Pro!  We have many new features on the drawing board.

TopoFusion PRO version 3.05


Added "Use compressed DXT1 maps" to Options->Preferences
---> See forum ( for details

(Major map display speedup)

Added ability to cancel a user map calibration point
Added DXT1 compression on user maps
Added airplane icon
Added PNG and JPEG export for profiles (from profile dialog)

Speedup - user maps loading using IJL instead of D3DX

Fixed crash when coming back from suspend/hibernate
Fixed delete/insert key not working at times

Fixed problems with TileSet dropdown synchronization
--disabled tilesets no longer show up
--now only 5 options in 3D mode: topo/aerial/urban/landsat/combo

Photofusion HTML now works both with thumbnail view and
  with camera icons (as before), depending on photo toggle state
Added "view Photo/URL" to right click menu for waypoints

Fixed memory leak on Topo 2/8/32 meter tilesets
Fixed problems with animated sprites
Increased maximum download threads to 25
GIS layers now has "..." button for choosing files
Fixed issue with tracks crossing zones in topo/aerial
Fixed batch download totals not updating
Fixed bug causing fuzzy networks and stray lat/lon points
Fixed bug causing hang with downloading disabled
Fixed runtime 13 error with logbook and international settings
Fixed issues renaming files in active list
Fixed problems reading GPX files from
Fixed stats icon - no longer photo
Added better lat/lon text reading -- AZ trail passage data
Fixed problem reading KML files introduced in 3.03
Fixed problem with UTM grids in datum other than WGS 84
Fixed 3D coordinate display in datum other than WGS 84

Download version 3.05 at:

(registered users should refer to their registration instructions for the page to download the full version)

TopoFusion Basic / Basic Version 2.971 Released
« on: May 02, 2007, 01:42:17 PM »
TopoFusion is happy to announce a new revision of the Basic product.  This mainly features some bug fixes to an otherwise very stable and well-tested version of the software.

Look for more updates to TopoFusion Basic in the future.  We especially anticipate some user interface simpflicitation and clean up, bringing you an even more intuitive GPS experience.

TopoFusion Basic 2.971

Primarily a bug fix release
Fixed memory leak with Topo 2M/8M/32M tilesets
Fixed memory leak in 3D downloads
Updated code system
Added ability to record and save tracks in "Live Tracking" dialog
Fixed crash in paint layers

Download the demo/free version here:

TopoFusion Anouncements / Basic Version 2.971 Released
« on: May 02, 2007, 01:42:17 PM »
TopoFusion is happy to announce a new revision of the Basic product.  This mainly features some bug fixes to an otherwise very stable and well-tested version of the software.

Look for more updates to TopoFusion Basic in the future.  We especially anticipate some user interface simpflicitation and clean up, bringing you an even more intuitive GPS experience.

TopoFusion Basic 2.971

Primarily a bug fix release
Fixed memory leak with Topo 2M/8M/32M tilesets
Fixed memory leak in 3D downloads
Updated code system
Added ability to record and save tracks in "Live Tracking" dialog
Fixed crash in paint layers

Download the demo/free version here:

Archived Support / Can't Delete Trackpoints
« on: May 01, 2007, 03:58:24 PM »
Right, this was a bug that cropped up after editing (whether intentionally or not) a file name in the 'active file list.'  Keystrokes were then disabled.

We should be releasing 3.05 (or 3.06) as a full release soon.

Thanks for reporting the issue anyway!  Always appreciated.

Archived Support / magellan xl won't download
« on: April 23, 2007, 04:13:55 PM »
Either way.  It just sounded like you were using several programs when really all you need is TopoFusion.

I'd copy them to your hard drive eventually, if not right when you take a look at the tracks.

Archived Support / magellan xl won't download
« on: April 22, 2007, 02:36:37 PM »
You shouldn't need any other programs -- just windows itself and TopoFusion.  Do let me know if you have a problem opening a .log file from within TopoFusion?

The full version operates the same as the demo -- no additional communication or printing options.

We hope to upgrade the printing options soon, FYI.

Archived Support / magellan xl won't download
« on: April 22, 2007, 01:07:32 PM »

The eXplorist line of units do not use the "GPS Transfer" dialog to transfer data.  Instead look for the GPS to come up as a USB hard drive on your computer.

TopoFusion can then directly load the .log and .upt file.  I then recommend using "save as..." to save them onto your hard drive and in GPX format rather than .log.

Hope this helps.  Good luck.

Archived Support / Screen contrast changes
« on: April 20, 2007, 06:17:12 PM »

Pics didn't make it, but I have seen what you are describing on a friend's laptop.  Can't duplicate it here, but I'll see if I can figure it out.

You are using a later beta right?  Not 3.0?


GPS, Trails, Training / Maps for GPS units
« on: April 16, 2007, 06:44:10 PM »
It would be nice to get Terraserver tiles onto your Garmin, but unfortunately it's not possible.

The Garmin units can only display vector maps, while terraserver maps are raster (i.e. images).

So unfortunately this is one feature request we cannot fulfill!  Sorry!

There is a new unit out by Delorme that can display raster maps (albeit slowly).  I think the unit is getting somewhat mixed reviews, but it's a step in the right direction.  In a few more years we'll be able to look at TF style maps on a handheld GPS.  Hopefully.

Archived Support / Compatibility with Holux GPSlim236 BT
« on: April 15, 2007, 06:53:48 AM »
Excellent, thanks for the persistence and for following up on this.

We'll make it so that future versions can set any COM port right there in the dialog.  Glad to here the holux GPS works.

Archived Support / multiple track segment selection
« on: April 12, 2007, 07:52:54 AM »
Yep, the profile (slash merge) tool is what you want.  Just hold down shift to add tracks in succession.

Right click to get a menu for reversing, removing segments from the merge and finally "save as.." to a new file.

Feature Requests / Import/Export to Google Earth?
« on: April 11, 2007, 04:46:46 PM »
Yep, for sure.

3.0 has a basic .kml file reader.  It hasn't been extensively tested, and can only pull track points out, but I've found it useful so far.

Export will be coming soon, yes.

Archived Support / Linking Photos to GPS Track Waypoints?
« on: April 11, 2007, 03:14:18 PM »

Here is some info on the process:

Unfortunately, that page needs to be updated for the new PhotoFusion pages.  It doesn't talk about the photos as waypoints and thumbnails on the screen.  But that should get you going, it's the same idea.

You just hit the 'place waypoints' button instead, and picture waypoints are put in the correct places.  Web page generation works the same way as it did before.

Let us know if you have any questions about it.  Thanks for the interest.

Archived Support / A cry from Europe
« on: April 10, 2007, 06:02:23 PM »
No worry, I understand the frustration.  I don't know of any good public domain sources of European Maps.  Otherwise TopoFusion would be using them.

Unfortunately there's not much you can do to improve the quality.  The data is simply not there (the resolution is not high enough).  Adding some contrast might help it look better, but it's not what you're looking for.

Thanks for the interest.

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