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Messages - ScottMorris

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TopoFusion Anouncements / Re: v5.0 Released!
« on: October 20, 2014, 03:43:56 PM »

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Waypoint elevations
« on: October 15, 2014, 03:43:17 PM »
Latest beta has the DEM assign function assigning elevations for waypoints now, too.

I have one 'debug' feature for a user already calling GPSBabel.  But it's so general purpose that I'm not sure what the interface would look like.  For a limited set of operations, it could be useful, though.

Beta Testing / Re: V5.05 - Server fixes and live tracking
« on: October 15, 2014, 03:36:02 PM »
Here's another update and a beta.  Public release very soon!

5.06 – [10/15/14] (Beta)

Fixed “Access Violation in Paint” bug when dealing with bad server tiles
-   Possible source of many intermittent crashes
“Correct Elevation using DEM” button now affects/assigns waypoint elevations
  (previously only trackpoints were affected)
Fixed D3D errors when using GPS Livetracking and coming back from
   Hibernation/Sleep mode

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Waypoint elevations
« on: October 14, 2014, 02:37:59 PM »
I think that's a good point that using the "Correct Elevations from DEM" should affect waypoints as well.  I will make that change.

Otherwise, Lap Analysis could/should be using DEM to assign waypoints, too.  When you create a new waypoint on the map in TF, it does get a DEM elevation.  But apparently not from Lap Analysis.  I'll try to take a look at that, too.

Thanks for the post!

TopoFusion Anouncements / Re: v5.0 Released!
« on: October 08, 2014, 08:57:05 PM »
Got a beta version with the fix (see the beta forum for details).

Full release to come shortly!  Just want to get some testing in to verify the changes.  Thanks for the patience!

Beta Testing / V5.05 - Server fixes and live tracking
« on: October 08, 2014, 08:48:45 PM »
Hey guys,

The forum is back!  Sorry about the absence.  I'm back on my development computer and aiming to give TF some quality time.

First thing first, as the outage notice said, the Color Tileset went out in the summer.  It was followed by a few other USGS tilesets, such as USTopo and the high res USGSImagery.

I've got all those working again, and also fixed a possible Live Tracking bug.  Oh, and added a way to merge many track segments (within a file) into one continuous track, without having to click on them all.  Drop a note or post here if you're interested in that -- it's very beta and on the debug menu.

As usual, for registered users, the beta is here:


5.05 - [10/8/14]  (Beta)

Fixed Color Aerial tileset due to server change
Fixed USTopo tileset due to server change
Fixed USGSImagery tileset due to server change
Fixed source of crash in Live Tracking with Garmin USB devices
Added experimental auto track join to Debug menu

TopoFusion Anouncements / Re: v5.0 Released!
« on: July 16, 2014, 08:08:21 AM »

Right now this version of TopoFusion is having issues downloading maps from both the "Color" and "USGS Imagery" tilesets.

This is due to a server change.  Unfortunately as I am on the trail for the summer I cannot research this and compile a new version of the software.  It will likely be September when we get this fixed.

All other map types are downloading fine as of this time.

Luckily there are other excellent choices for aerial imagery, like Open Aerial.  There is also a hidden feature to download very high res and fast color aerials.  Email us if you'd like to use this in the interim while we wait to get these tilesets back.


TopoFusion Pro / Re: windows 8.1
« on: May 04, 2014, 07:48:22 PM »
Yes, for certain.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: pictures with position
« on: April 30, 2014, 02:54:57 PM »
Hi Jimmy,

Sorry about the late reply here.  I have been off the computer a long while (as posted in the announcement forum).

The code looks for both .jpg and .jpeg files.  If there's already EXIF data, you should just point the PhotoFusion dialog to your directory, and away it goes!  The checkbox mentioned above will be checked already.  You should see it toward the middle of the form.  Maybe you are not quite looking in the right dialog?  Go to Analysis->PhotoFusion and go from there.

Hope that helps!

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Silly questions...
« on: April 30, 2014, 02:49:13 PM »
Hi there,

Catching back up on the forum after being away from the computer.

These are not trivial questions at all.  They are questions that don't necessarily have good answers -- as to what is best to do.

TF makes some best guesses, but I can't really justify a lot of them, empirically.  Maybe based on experience.

In any case, if you want to investigate these type of issues you'd need to write your own scripts or code to do some GPS crunching.  I can look up the exact rules used in the software if you are still curious...

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Color maps not downloading
« on: April 30, 2014, 02:46:49 PM »
Interesting, in my testing I found it much more reliable with fewer connections.  In v5.0 I forced it to not go over 4 or 5 at a time, and am seeing much more consistent downloading.  I think the server throttles when it gets too many requests.

Just FYI, in case anyone is reading this that doesn't have v5.0, or wants to try the # of connections parameter.

Feature Requests / Re: Any interest in CalTopo Tiles?
« on: April 30, 2014, 02:44:38 PM »
Hey guys,

I did get in touch with the CalTopo guy, but his server costs are pretty high.  He's charging money to all the apps using his maps.

So, unless we're willing (as users of TF) to pony up some cash, I don't think adding CalTopo tiles is going to happy.  Thanks for the interest though.  Great maps!

TopoFusion Anouncements / v5.0 Released!
« on: April 30, 2014, 02:43:28 PM »

v5.0 new splash screen

We're excited to announce the release of TopoFusion version 5.0!  Over four years of development went into version 4.0, arriving at where the software is today.  The list of new features, fixes and improvements is too long to list here.  Thanks to all our users for coming along for the ride.  You see, much of TopoFusion development is user driven.  We love to hear about cool projects or off-the-wall ideas for cool things you can do with maps, GPS, trackers, trails and everything in between!

Since the last revision 4 release the most notable change is in the map tilesets.  We've improved download reliability, added a very high res "USGS" color aerial layer, and replaced the dragging "US Topo" with a unique topo layer. 

Update your TF and check it out (full list of changes below), or if you are new to TopoFusion, please try the demo.  And as always, let us know what you think, especially if you have a suggestion for a new feature or different way the software should work.


<strong>Team TopoFusion</strong>

Head over to the Download Page to try TopoFusion out, free of charge.

Registered users refer to your registration email for the download link, or go here to request your code and the download URL.

<strong>Full list of changes</strong>

For a complete list of changes see the Revision History, or keep reading here for what has changed since the last public release:

5.0 – [4/30/14]  (Full Release)

Public release of version 4.86.  New version 5.0!

4.86 – [4/18/14]   (Beta)

Added new “USGS Imagery” tileset (Color Aerials, some very high res).  Find it
  in the map menu.  Shortcut key “U” reassigned from Urban to USGS Imagery.
US Topo DRG server deprecated.  Replaced with new USGS Topo basemap server, with
  faster response and more up to date maps.  Not topo quads, though.
Color Aerial tileset response significantly improved.  Less “retry” tiles and   
  server errors.
New 2014 Splash/About screens
Added 38400 baud rate to GPS dialog
Added error message for newer google map kml files (while https support is being
  investigated for addition to TF).
Updated google sat tileset request string.
Fixed runner icon coming up on profile when profiling tracks without elevation
Fixed intermittent crash when switching from merging tracks to drawing a new one
Fixed issue removing (clearing) a track segment’s name
Fixed erroneous <trksg> elements in .FIT download (e.g. Edge 800)
-   Caused uploaded tracks to be invisible on some GPS units
Updated NSIS installer, to remove "This program may not have installed
   Correctly” message on Windows 7/8.

4.85 - [11/14/13] (Beta)

Added Trackleaders off-road penalty scoring system to debug dialog (under dev)

4.84 - [11/6/13] (Beta)

Added auto track splitting for MiniHomer download

4.83 – [10/31/13] (Beta)

Fixed issue saving out live track, causing “TopoFusion is not responding”
Added debug dialog support for MiniHomer GPS, via GPSBabel
Further forced Garmin mass storage GPS units to upload in GPX, not TCX

4.82 – [10/13/13] (Beta)

Added true north bearing to comment field of PhotoFusion placed photos/waypoints
Fixed date input for NMEA raw log imports (.txt)
Fixed double clicked GPX file association when TF not already running
Changed Garmin 705 (and others) upload from TCX to GPX
Fixed jittery playback in profile tool (single track playback) when zoomed out
Fixed profile tool positioning for tracks with sub-second GPS data

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Color maps not downloading
« on: April 10, 2014, 10:59:54 AM »
Glad you got it working.  What was your # of connections at before?  Low, like 1 or 2?

TopoFusion Anouncements / Out on the trail - no forum support
« on: March 19, 2014, 11:56:57 AM »

I'm heading out on the Arizona Trail for 2-3 weeks.  In that time there will be no support on these forums.

Feel free to post questions here, as others may answer, and I will eventually reply.

Sorry in advance about the SPAM that gets through the filters, too.

Purchasing of TF is still fully active and emails monitored for support.

Thanks for the patience!


TopoFusion Pro / Re: Decrease Brightness
« on: March 19, 2014, 11:55:28 AM »
Hi Roger,

Yes, you should be able to do this with combo maps.  Either choose the same aerial for both map choices, or move the slider completely over to the aerial side you want.  Then switch to combo mode and adjust the brightness slider.  Viola!



TopoFusion Pro / Re: Color maps not downloading
« on: March 02, 2014, 01:04:00 AM »
Definitely.  Have you tried Open Aerial?  Look for it on the map menu.  It's generally the most reliable of the color aerials.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: DEM data flavors
« on: February 20, 2014, 08:34:21 PM »
Hey Tom,

A few versions back TF got a new elevation server that supports 60*+.  However, your current maps.dat cache has unfortunately cached the missing data.  So the only way to get that data is to start a new map cache (in a new directory).  That's one thought.

I believe only .dem files are supported natively.  That code is still there and works, but hasn't been looked at for quite some years.


TopoFusion Pro / Re: Waypoint icon/name list?
« on: February 20, 2014, 08:31:45 PM »
Hi Ryan,

Late reply on this, apologies.  The customization is pretty limited sorry.

I believe these are the mappings to TF supported symbols and position in the .bmp.  Hope it makes sense and possibly (?) helps?

static char *symbolNames[numSymbols] = {"Waypoint","House","Campground","Dot","Hunting Area",
                         "Fishing Area","Swimming Area","Trailhead","Telephone","Rest Area",
                         "Skiing Area","Park","Information","Scenic Area","Picnic",
                         "Bank/Dollar","Hotel","Restaurant","Geocache","Geocache Found",
                         "Anchor","Danger Area","City (Large)","City (Medium)", "City (Small)",
                         "Crossing","Drinking Water", "Forest", "Mine", "Parking Area",
                         "RV Park", "Restroom", "Short Tower", "Shower", "Summit",
                         "Tall Tower", "Tunnel", "Text Label (No Dot)", "Photo",
                        "Airport","Amusement Park","Ball Park","Bank","Bar","Boat Ramp","Bowling","Bridge","Building",
                        "Car","Car Rental","Car Repair","Cemetery","Church","Convenience Store","Dam","Dangerous Area",
                        "Department Store","Fast Food","Fitness Centre","Fuel","Glider Area","Golf Course","Hotel",
                        "Live Theatre","Man Overboard","Medical Facility","Movie Theatre","Museum","Oil Field",
                        "Parachute Area","Pharmacy","Picnic Area","Pizza","Post Office","RV Park","Residence",
                        "Restroom","Scales","School","Seaplane Base","Shipwreck","Shopping Center","Stadium",
                        "Toll Booth","Truck Stop","Ultralight Area","Zoo","Trail Head",
                        "Lodging","Motel","Library","Bike Trail","Bus","Radio Tower","Police","PLS (Point Last Seen)"

const int symbolPos[numSymbolPos] = {0,61,12,11,16,

Beta Testing / Re: Export Blurred-Correct Capture
« on: December 26, 2013, 10:36:51 AM »
Hi Roger,

Looks like a video card issue to me.  Have you ever checked for updated drivers?  That's where I'd recommend you start.

Otherwise, let's take a look at your TF diagnostic file and see what, if any, errors are showing up after trying to return from an export.


TopoFusion Pro / Re: Splitting laps on 1 ride
« on: December 17, 2013, 09:06:21 AM »

There isn't a way to automatically split up the laps, but it shouldn't be too hard to cut them up manually.  Just zoom in to the start finish area, grab the scissors tool and snip everything in one spot.  That should do it for you.

Let me know if you have any other questions!


Beta Testing / Re: Anyone else having Aerial download trouble?
« on: December 14, 2013, 10:46:38 AM »
Just to double check, you have 4.81, not 3.81, right?  (I am almost sure).

Can you give a coordinate for where you are looking?  Open Aerial continues to be bomber for me, including east coast.  Color is slow and a little flakey, but still working.

TopoFusion Basic / Re: New User - Old Problem?
« on: December 14, 2013, 10:44:16 AM »

You're welcome.

1) Yes, if you find the custom map menu in the GPS you can toggle them on and off, if they are in separate files.  Things get screwy if the sum of all the files is greater than the tile limit (100 for many units).

2) You can display GPX files unders "tracks..." on your GPS on top of the custom maps, if that's what you are asking.  Active log will show up on it, too.  If you want permanent changes to the map tiles, you'll need to regenerate the maps in TF with new tracks.



TopoFusion Basic / Re: New User - Old Problem?
« on: December 12, 2013, 11:41:28 AM »
Here is the tutorial for custom maps:

Click on his user name on one of his posts, then look for "send this user a private message."

Hope that helps.

Beta Testing / Re: Anyone else having Aerial download trouble?
« on: December 12, 2013, 11:39:46 AM »
I have been seeing issues with regular Color Aerials, but Open Aerial has been working very quickly throughout.

TopoFusion Basic / Re: New User - Old Problem?
« on: December 11, 2013, 08:57:00 AM »
Hi Stuart,

Well, I would certainly hope you enjoyed a minute or two of the difficult hiking, just purely for itself?

I would contact Garmin to complain that they don't have a better way to handle multiple tracks in a file.  Otherwise, my suggestion in this thread is a viable workaround.  You can send Chris a private message through this forum.  He also should have received a email notification for our posts, so he may chime in.

Thanks and good luck.


TopoFusion Basic / Re: Uploading a merged GPX file to my Oregon 450
« on: December 10, 2013, 12:34:36 PM »

Unfortunately this is a serious limitation of the GPS.  If the GPX file you upload has multiple tracks, they all come up separately and (worse) need to be toggled on separately.

See this thread:

It has some info suggesting the use of custom map tiles for this type of situation.  It'll work as long as your tracks aren't covering too huge of an area.

TopoFusion Basic / Re: Saving files to my computer
« on: December 10, 2013, 12:32:38 PM »
It copies all the data, so you can delete them if you want.  Personally I don't ever delete GPX data.  Disk space is cheap.  :)

TopoFusion Basic / Re: Saving files to my computer
« on: December 10, 2013, 09:04:12 AM »

They need to be selected (highlighted), not merely checked (turned on for map display).  Click on one file, then use CTRL click or SHIFT click to select multiple, just like you do in windows explorer.

Then right click and you'll get the Merge option.


TopoFusion Pro / Re: Support for internal GPS in new Windows 8 devices??
« on: December 09, 2013, 05:59:12 PM »
If there's a way to get the internal GPS to output a NMEA stream (faked on a serial COM) port, then TF's live tracking will work.  I would hazard a guess that there is.  Otherwise, there's no direct support for the windows location API.  I would sure consider adding it if it's not too involved.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Copying maps to fill the page
« on: December 09, 2013, 05:57:23 PM »
Assuming you are printing at 300 DPI:

Width = 8.5 * 300 = 2550 pixels
Height = 11 * 300 = 3300 pixels

Use the "Export View" function and enter those dimensions.  You'll then get a .BMP (use that for best quality) that will fill the page.  Use an image software to print the image (Paint that comes with windows will work).  Check the preview first, and maybe use page setup to make it fit a single page.

Hope that helps.

TopoFusion Basic / Re: Saving files to my computer
« on: December 09, 2013, 05:53:19 PM »
If you only have one file selected, you won't get the merge option.  Make sure you have multiple selected and it will be there.


TopoFusion Pro / Re: Storing Tiles
« on: December 08, 2013, 12:13:21 PM »
Yeah, unfortunately no free server can really afford to let people download gigs and gigs worth of data from them -- bandwidth is not cheap/free.  So they all have throttling/blocking mechanisms to prevent it.

Smaller areas should work -- though I know it's easy to quickly find yourself drawing big boxes to download!

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Storing Tiles
« on: December 08, 2013, 10:16:58 AM »

Anything that downloads and is shown in your copy of TF will be there in offline mode.  You can also pretty easily point TF to a new directory (from another computer perhaps, or on an external drive) with maps.dat files in it.  Just use the map directory setting, and restart TF.

There is a batch download tool, available in the pro version.  However it can only be enabled for the servers that allow it.  You can download the old aerials and one of the color aerial sets.

Hope that helps,


TopoFusion Basic / Re: Saving files to my computer
« on: December 08, 2013, 10:14:29 AM »
Hi Stuart,

The option you are looking for is the "Merge files and save as...".  It's not in the main window's menu, but comes up if you right click in the active file list area.

Hope that helps,


TopoFusion Basic / Re: New User - Old Problem?
« on: December 08, 2013, 09:54:58 AM »
Stuart -- it's easy to combine a bunch of tracks/files into one.  Select them all in the active list, right click, and then choose "merge files and save as...".  However, uploading that resulting file to most GPS units won't go all that well, as described above.  I'd recommend the custom map feature for that.

Hope that helps.

Feature Requests / Re: Any interest in CalTopo Tiles?
« on: November 07, 2013, 07:40:12 PM »
Hey Joseph,

Good to hear from you.  I did get in touch with Matt and he offers licenses for apps to use his maps.  He said he'd be OK with a small number of users figuring out how to add CalTopo as a custom TMS service, provided I don't give instructions on how to do that. 

So... I need to get the custom TMS ability going in TF...

TopoFusion on other OS - Mac / Linux / Re: Running on linux
« on: November 05, 2013, 09:17:12 PM »
Hmm, COMCT332.OCX and MSVBVM60.DLL are both components of visual basic, which TopoFusion.exe uses.  They are pretty standard deals, for older software anyway.  Searching for getting VB6 applications to install on wine could lead somewhere.

I could try an installer than doesn't include the standard VB files, but they'll be needed somewhere if it's going to run.

TopoFusion Basic / Re: Drawing Tool
« on: November 05, 2013, 09:13:56 PM »

Sounds like you figured it out.  As you draw a track the software will display the bearing.  To save out a track, right click somewhere on the map and choose "save as..."

Good luck, and let us know if you have any other questions!


TopoFusion Basic / Re: garmin nuvi trip log download
« on: October 30, 2013, 09:46:20 PM »
That's strange.  It's possible the trip log just isn't accessible on that particular Nuvi.  When you connect the GPS does it come up as a USB drive?  Can you find the trip log as a .gpx file (usually Current.gpx)?

TopoFusion Basic / Re: Exporting with bearing/direction information?
« on: October 13, 2013, 05:37:48 PM »
Just a note that the current beta version (available to registered users) has bearing information exported with each PhotoFusion waypoint.  Please let me know if this works for you, assuming you can get the beta.

If you're on the demo, the feature will be pushed out with a public release sometime in the coming week(s).


TopoFusion Pro / Re: Track upload freezing Edge 705
« on: October 13, 2013, 05:34:34 PM »
Hey Mike,

There's a new beta out that should switch 705 upload to GPX instead of TCX.  Please give it out when you have a chance.

Thanks a bunch for the help,


Feature Requests / Re: Any interest in CalTopo Tiles?
« on: October 07, 2013, 07:32:39 PM »
That site looks like it has some nice map types on it -- thanks for pointing it out.  We can definitely look at adding them -- depending mostly on terms of condition and that sort of legalese thing.  I will take a look at it and see if any make sense in TF.


TopoFusion Anouncements / Gov't shutdown - Color and US Topo out
« on: October 07, 2013, 04:30:15 PM »

Two of the tilesets available in TopoFusion have been rendered inoperable due to the government shutdown.  From Due to the Federal government shutdown, and most associated web sites are unavailable.  Only web sites necessary to protect lives and property will be maintained.

We are sorry for the inconvenience this has caused, however, luckily there are good alternate tilesets available in TF.  Both myTopo and the 'old' MSRMaps topos are coming in fine, and Open Aerial is server color aerials quickly.  We suggest you use those tilesets until the USGS servers are back online.

Thanks for the patience.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Track upload freezing Edge 705
« on: October 04, 2013, 11:05:20 AM »
Interesting.  Wish I had a 705 to test on.  I assume it's a relatively recent firmware?

I can make a note to change the upload for the 705 to GPX instead of TCX.  I think that's a bit of an artifact from when the 705 and newer units were first coming out.  Thanks for the post.

TopoFusion Basic / Re: Exporting with bearing/direction information?
« on: October 03, 2013, 07:50:06 AM »

I've made a note to take a look for the next version.  It shouldn't be too difficult.  The next revision may be several weeks off though -- do you anticipate doing this regularly in the future?

TopoFusion Basic / Re: Exporting with bearing/direction information?
« on: October 02, 2013, 09:30:35 AM »
Hi Sarah,

That info isn't computed or stored anywhere currently in the software, but it could be added.  I'm curious what your application is?



TopoFusion Pro / Re: Map disappears after Photofusion Analysis
« on: August 29, 2013, 01:12:30 PM »
Hey Bob,

That's strange -- so you lose the display of maps completely?  Does switching to a different tileset (map type) change anything?  How about switching to 3D?

It may be that you are running out of available video memory.  Switching to 3D might expose that.

Let me know.


TopoFusion Anouncements / v4.81 - new servers
« on: August 18, 2013, 12:09:20 PM »

new Landsat, new elevation data

As posted in the announcements forum, our trusty OnEarth server ceased giving out Landsat and Elevation tiles in the last week.  Version 4.8 replaces OnEarth with a different NASA server, and there are some improvements!  First, elevation data is global -- before TopoFusion had no elevation data in extreme latitudes (60*+).  3D in Alaska!  Second, the Landsat imagery is higher quality, better true color, and still covers the whole world.  This is definitely an improvement for non-US users.

We also added the Juicy Trails tileset, which is a very nice rendering of OSM street, topo and (most importantly) trail data.  See for more info, but this is a very nice tileset to have available in TF.  Please consider adding trails to the OSM database (which will then be reflected on Juicy Trails, too).


4.80 – [8/14/13]

Added new server for Landsat and Elevation data
  OnEarth server has been retired
  Elevation data now available above 60* and below 60*!
  Removes issues between NED (US only) and SRTM (global)
  Option for force SRTM removed
  Landsat imagery now true color reflectance (instead of Mars-like color)
  Better resolution, especially outside the USA
Fixed moving time calculation for reversed tracks in profile tool
Increased possible size of KMZ tiled map exports

4.79 - [7/26/13]   (Beta)                                                                                                                                             
Fixed profile errors with tracks missing time, introduced in 4.78                                                                                                                 
Added Trackleaders FastMarker export

4.78 – [7/25/13]  (Beta)

Added Juicy Trails tileset – ‘J’ key shortcut
Fixed KMZ tiled map exports for over 500 tiles at a time
Fixed speed display for sub-second GPX files

Beta Testing / v4.8 - new Elevation/Landsat server
« on: August 14, 2013, 08:09:16 PM »

new Landsat, new elevation data

As posted in the announcements forum, our trusty OnEarth server ceased giving out Landsat and Elevation tiles in the last week.  Version 4.8 replaces OnEarth with a different NASA server, and there are some improvements!  First, elevation data is global -- before TopoFusion had no elevation data in extreme latitudes (60*+).  3D in Alaska!  Second, the Landsat imagery is higher quality, better true color, and still covers the whole world.  This is definitely an improvement for non-US users.

We also added the Juicy Trails tileset, which is a very nice rendering of OSM street, topo and (most importantly) trail data.  See for more info, but this is a very nice tileset to have available in TF.  Please consider adding trails to the OSM database (which will then be reflected on Juicy Trails, too).

We had some other small fixes, but needed to push this new version with the server change out ASAP.  Please let us know of and issues or feedback you have.


4.80 – [8/14/13]

Added new server for Landsat and Elevation data
  OnEarth server has been retired
  Elevation data now available above 60* and below 60*!
  Removes issues between NED (US only) and SRTM (global)
  Option for force SRTM removed
  Landsat imagery now true color reflectance (instead of Mars-like color)
  Better resolution, especially outside the USA
Fixed moving time calculation for reversed tracks in profile tool
Increased possible size of KMZ tiled map exports

4.79 - [7/26/13]   (Beta)                                                                                                                                             
Fixed profile errors with tracks missing time, introduced in 4.78                                                                                                                 
Added Trackleaders FastMarker export

4.78 – [7/25/13]  (Beta)

Added Juicy Trails tileset – ‘J’ key shortcut
Fixed KMZ tiled map exports for over 500 tiles at a time
Fixed speed display for sub-second GPX files

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