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Messages - ScottMorris

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Beta Testing / v3.65 - new PhotoFusion stuff
« on: January 22, 2009, 01:32:07 PM »
Here's the full change list for v3.66:

3.66 – [1/22/09]

Added 3 states to Color tileset:
  Washington State, Georgia and West Virginia
Added TopoWMS server to CustomWMS server default list
Downloads / displays Topo maps that span UTM zones and are in
  Lat / Lon projection
Added limited 3D playback and multi-track playback
  Map updates as playback proceeds.  Follow options not supported.
Minor tweaks to exiftool downloading dialog
Fixed failed jpeg time/date reading with certain camera types
Fixed writing of 0,0 EXIF coordinates when PhotoFusion cannot compute
  position of a photo

Beta Testing / v3.65 - new PhotoFusion stuff
« on: January 22, 2009, 01:30:47 PM »

Check out v3.66, just out now.  Washington is a part of the color tileset now.

The photos are opened and resized by different threads, so in theory they are in the background.  However, I still want to look at blocking the queuing of mouse wheel scrolls.  How large are your photos (roughly, in megabytes?).  On my computer there isn't a noticeable slowdown when loading ~12 photos, but they are only a megabyte or so each.


TopoFusion Basic / Some Topo 4M Maps not aligned
« on: January 22, 2009, 11:48:46 AM »
You can set it to only change the offset for 4 meter topo, not all maps.

But, yes, you can't define an area and have it restitch the maps.  That would be quite an involved piece of coding.

Best we can do is already there.  None of the other Terraserver viewing applications even have the nudge ability.  You just have to turn if on and off when you are in / outside the area that needs correcting.  If you have a track that crosses... bummer!

I deal with one daily here by Tucson.  My closest trail system crosses the glitch, but I just turn on the offset when I'm over there (and yes, my tracks do cross if I ride from home).

TopoFusion Basic / Some Topo 4M Maps not aligned
« on: January 22, 2009, 11:11:20 AM »
Terraserver @ is responsible for the maps and definitely that error.

Bummer that there's another shift.  Have you tried the "Correct Map offset" function (under the Window menu)?  If you figure out the correct offset for that area, I'd love to add it to the drop down for other's convenience.


Beta Testing / v3.65 - new PhotoFusion stuff
« on: January 21, 2009, 12:45:00 PM »
Hey Larry,

Good point.  I'll take a look and see if I can do something about preventing a queue of mouse wheel events from stacking up.

Photo loading should be more or less "background", but I'm sure it does slow things down somewhat.

In other news, I just added Washington to the color tileset.  Pretty sure this server is as good as the others.   ':cool:'

TopoFusion Pro / Automerging Garmin .tcx with Laps?
« on: January 21, 2009, 08:57:50 AM »

The latest beta version has a fix for this.  Try it out at:

(registered users only right now) -- should be a full release soon.

TopoFusion Pro / Zooming in on a user map.
« on: January 21, 2009, 08:56:30 AM »
Beta version with fix available now at:

(Registered users only) -- should be a full release out soon.

TopoFusion Pro / Multiple Tracks from Garmin 705 tcx files
« on: January 21, 2009, 08:54:30 AM »
Beta version is out with merging.

Beta Testing / v3.65 - new PhotoFusion stuff
« on: January 20, 2009, 10:03:15 PM »
Changes since v3.61:

3.65 - [1/20/09]  (Beta)

PhotoFusion enhancements:
* PhotoFusion now found in Analysis Menu
* Added ability to read Lat/Lon coordinates from Jpeg EXIF headers
  (upon placement with PhotoFusion)
* Added ability to write Lat/Lon coordinates to Jpeg EXIF headers
  Requires the freeware "exiftool.exe" program, which TopoFusion will
  automatically download for you, if you choose.
* Added elevation data to waypoints (and EXIF headers)
* Added Help and Explore buttons
* Fixed minor display issues, esp with deleted photos
* Can now right click on thumbnails in map to open waypoint dialog, delete, etc
* (Also see v3.63 changes to photo thumbnail enlarging / selecting)

Other fixes:
Fixed .TCX/.CRS (Edge 705) track splitting problems
 (tracks no longer split at Lap and "Auto pause")
Fixed over-clipping issue with 3-point calibration user maps
Fixed headers for Custom WMS requests (necessary for certain new servers)
 (added HTTP/1.1 and Host: headers)
Enabled "Follow Download" when switching back to Serial from USB in GPSDialog
Fixed "off by one error" in Send to GPS function (when GPS dialog already open)

3.64 - [01/2/09]  (Beta)

New '09 splash/about screens
Fixed endless loop when shrinking PhotoFusion thumbnails
Fixed problem reading Magellan .UPT waypoint files

3.63 - [12/27/08] (Beta)

Added "Order printed map" option to File menu
Links directly to TopoFusion /'s map
 printing engine, centered at the current map location
Changed mouse behavior for photo thumbnails on map
 Mouse over only slightly enlarges pic
 Click once to enlarge
 Click again to open photo in windows (default .jpg software)
Changed distribution of tile cache (200/512/Pic tile sizes) in favor
 of more 512/Pics.
Added warning message when tile cache is not large enough to display
 all currently visible photo thumbnails
Fixed problems with full pathnames showing up in PhotoFusion generated HTML
Fixed errors in reported bearings while drawing tracks
Fixed handling of WMS request strings that include protocol (http://) in them
Fixed subtle differences in stats (e.g. track length) when loading file
 initially vs. reloading the file.  (floating point rounding)

3.62 - [12/03/08] (Beta)

Added support for Garmin's "TrackPointExtension/v1" for GPX
Heart Rate and Cadence now supported for read/write in GPX
(e.g. Garmin Oregon/Colorado with HR/Cad sensors)
Fixed issues reading PhotoFusion'd GPX files with apostrophes
Fixed issue with loss of HR/Cad/Power when using the merge tool
Fixed intermittent crashes when saving out a drawn track

Beta Testing / v3.65 to v3.68 - new PhotoFusion stuff
« on: January 20, 2009, 10:02:50 PM »
v3.65 is out in the usual place.

There are many changes and fixes in this version (since the latest public release, v3.61).  The most significant is the revamping of the PhotoFusion system.

The way the thumbnails behave has been improved (in our opinion, let us know if you disagree).  PhotoFusion itself is now it's own dialog under "Analysis" (previously it was buried in the File Properties dialog, where people had trouble finding it.

Also, PhotoFusion now reads and write EXIF GPS header info.  So we're fully geotagging photos!  In order to write GPS EXIF info you need exiftool.exe in your default tracks directory.  Luckily, TF will auto download the file from and place it in your default tracks directory.  A dialog asking you to download it will come up if you hit the "Place Waypoints" button.  Once it's there you can geotag to your hearts content.

I'm getting pretty excited about furthering the integration of photos, GPS and maps.  So look for more PhotoFusion stuff in the future.

As always, problems or suggestions here or on the forums.


TopoFusion Pro / Multiple Tracks from Garmin 705 tcx files
« on: January 18, 2009, 08:37:32 PM »
Thanks for sending the file.  I've made it so "auto pause" and "laps" are now auto merged.  You shouldn't see this issue anymore.

That is, as soon as you install the upcoming beta version.  Should be out in the next day or so.  Will post when it's available (to registered users like yourself).

TopoFusion Pro / Zooming in on a user map.
« on: January 18, 2009, 07:29:35 PM »
Thanks for the screenshot.  I was able to duplicate it by setting up one of my maps with similar calibration points.

There was a clipping test that wasn't robust to images flipped at ~45 degrees.  It was over clipping, basically.

It was an easy fix and will be available in the next beta version (hopefully out in the next day or so).  Would you like an email when it's available?

TopoFusion Pro / Can't get custom server to load right
« on: January 18, 2009, 11:53:15 AM »

I've had a look at this server and it seems very picky about how requests are made to it.

I got it to work, but only by doing a small modification to the code.

It'll be in the next beta version, which should be out soon.  The server is quite fast, and it looks like there is quite a bit of data there.  I will have a look at trying to incorporate it.


TopoFusion Basic / Waypoints in Profile
« on: January 18, 2009, 10:09:49 AM »

No, sorry, we don't yet have the ability to display waypoints on the profile.  It's a little tricky since waypoints aren't constrained to be on a track.  But a simple distance threshold could make this a pretty cool feature.

TopoFusion Pro / Zooming in on a user map.
« on: January 18, 2009, 10:07:49 AM »
It doesn't seem to be a matter of scale.  I just tried a small map and was able to zoom in beyond the point of pixel recognition.

Are you using 3 calibration points?  In any case, could you post (or email to a screenshot of what the map and calibration points look like?  (Hit the "Calibrate by Hand" tool so the calibration points show up).


TopoFusion Pro / Zooming in on a user map.
« on: January 18, 2009, 10:00:31 AM »
It shouldn't disappear no matter how small an area the map covers.

I'll do a quick experiment to see if I can duplicate the problem.  Thanks.

TopoFusion Pro / Multiple Tracks from Garmin 705 tcx files
« on: January 17, 2009, 06:46:56 PM »

First, your purchase went through and you should have got the email with your registration info.  Did you not get the "Thanks for your Purchase" email?  I can resend if necessary.

There's no limitation on the number of points in a track.  500 points is a small track, actually.  The 705 seems to have changed the way it breaks tracks when it loses signal or you push/start.  Can you email a .tcx file to so I can take a look and confirm it's the same issue?

I will see if automatically merge files like yours makes sense.  Otherwise, an auto-merge is called for.  It would be pretty tedious to merge tracks like these by hand.


User Projects / GPS Playback + Helmet cam footage
« on: January 06, 2009, 11:41:42 AM »
Here's a video I put together combining TF's playback feature with some helmet cam footage:

I hope to make a few more videos like this in the future.  Fun stuff.

TopoFusion Pro / Wilderness Boundaries
« on: January 05, 2009, 12:26:40 PM »
The shapefile came from here:

(Under boundaries)

Ah, no caches in wilderness, good point!

Feature Requests / Grid in latitude / longitude
« on: January 05, 2009, 11:13:35 AM »
Agree, a lat/lon grid would be useful and shouldn't be too hard to add.  I'll add it to the 'todo' list.  Thanks.

TopoFusion Pro / Wilderness Boundaries
« on: January 05, 2009, 11:12:40 AM »

The wilderness boundary file came from a shapefile that was created by the USGS.  In general is it more accurate than the lines drawn on the topo maps.

By more accurate I mean it's more up-to-date.  It is definitely not as precise -- meaning that it doesn't cover every nook and cranny of the boundary lines.  Oftentimes it's a gross approximation.

So, the reason your line may be off could be a combination of both of these.

Hope that helps.

Beta Testing / v3.56 - Color aerials for most of the USA
« on: January 05, 2009, 09:44:13 AM »

I just downloaded a fair number of tiles at better-than-average speed and no glitches.

Maybe just temporary?  Can you confirm it's working better now?

GPS, Trails, Training / Topofusion - a video
« on: January 04, 2009, 08:11:16 PM »
Thanks.  I had a look but it's still not clear what actually comes over the serial wire.  I think the raw packet data is processed by the hardware before being sent to the computer, so I should look at the logs from USAPhotomaps, right?

Or have the logs from USAPhotomaps been altered by the program (other than being created by it?).

Thanks.  It shouldn't be too hard to add an "APRS tracking mode".  Basic function = show call sign and position, right?  Not sure where the java based tracker gets its icons from, but I assume just having callsign and position will be very useful.


Beta Testing / V3.63 photofusion feature
« on: January 02, 2009, 10:57:27 AM »
Right on.  Thanks for the quick feedback.

Beta Testing / v3.56 - Color aerials for most of the USA
« on: January 02, 2009, 10:26:54 AM »
Right, auto download of the new images was purposely disabled in the current version.  Will probably add it before the next public release as the servers seem to be able to handle the load.

Brightness and contrast should work, but right now they are very limited.  Those adjustments have been a problem in DX9.  I still need to see if I can figure something better out.

Feature Requests / Specific Zoom Setting
« on: January 02, 2009, 10:21:41 AM »

Two things that might help.

1) You can make small adjustments to the zoom by holding down CTRL and hitting either + or -.  Very useful.

2) If you choose a tileset in the tileset dropdown (upper right corner of the main window) the zoom level is reset to the native resolution of that tileset.

It would be useful to be able to set the zoom level arbitrarily.  You could at least write it down.  I think we also need the ability to arbitrarily set the size of the main TF window.

Beta Testing / V3.63 photofusion feature
« on: January 02, 2009, 10:18:30 AM »
Thanks for the detailed report.  I wasn't able to reproduce, but I think I added some checks to prevent the problem from occurring.

Check v3.64 (out now) and let me know if you still see the problem.


Beta Testing / V3.63 photofusion feature
« on: January 01, 2009, 11:07:58 AM »
Nuts.  Thanks for the report.

I'll try to recreate.  The way the photos expand is different now, so it seems something is not right.

GPS, Trails, Training / Topofusion - a video
« on: December 29, 2008, 11:55:13 PM »
Started looking.  The protocol spec is a HUGE document.

Do you have any data logs I can test with?  (Or know where to get some?).

The info relevant to TF should be easy to extract (at least initially... if things go well we might get into getting more data).


TopoFusion Pro / Color Aerials
« on: December 27, 2008, 08:05:15 PM »

Perhaps someone should inquire at your state gov't as to why they'd like to think they live on Mars.


TopoFusion Pro / Color Aerials
« on: December 27, 2008, 07:35:20 PM »
Unfortunately that's just how they are for Texas (and PA, too).

Check the coverage map here:

You can see that those two states are red (no idea why).  Everywhere else is normal color.

Beta Testing / Topo across zone boundaries
« on: December 27, 2008, 10:23:22 AM »
Thanks for the input, Steve.

The WMS topo tiles are indeed stretched in the X-axis.  The effect gets more prominent the further north you go.

It's just the difference between UTM projection and geographic / Mercator.  

I think I'll add the WMS as an optionally added server, but not make it default.  Having UTM projected tiles is still nice, and the zone boundary doesn't affect too many people.

Any other opinions?

TopoFusion Pro / Windows Vista 64bit
« on: December 27, 2008, 10:18:02 AM »
Hey Steve,

I've heard from multiple users that TF Pro runs 100% fine on Vista 64.  So, no problems there.

Thanks for asking, and happy holidays to you too.


TopoFusion Anouncements / Version 3.60 - Color Aerials
« on: December 14, 2008, 09:30:30 AM »
Again, woops,

TopoFusion Anouncements / On the bike to 12/13
« on: December 14, 2008, 09:30:07 AM »
Back.  Will have photos and a report soon.

TopoFusion Anouncements / Version 3.60 - Color Aerials
« on: December 14, 2008, 09:29:29 AM »
Bumping this back up to the top.

TopoFusion Anouncements / On the bike to 12/13
« on: December 10, 2008, 05:54:01 PM »
No replies on the forum until I get back from bikepacking in the Gila River / White Canyon area.

That'll be Sunday, Dec 13th.  Thanks for the patience!

TopoFusion Pro / Automerging Garmin .tcx with Laps?
« on: December 10, 2008, 05:50:35 PM »
Thanks for the heads up on this.  There's a related issue with tracks from the Edge 705 after the latest firmware.

We'll come up with something to make it either auto-merge, or have a function to quickly merge stuff.

TopoFusion Pro / Live Tracking
« on: December 08, 2008, 10:26:34 PM »
Huh, I guess we don't have anything written up for Live Tracking.

Thanks for pointing that out.  I'll make a note to fill in that hole in the documentation.

It should be pretty straightforward if you're familiar with the rest of the program.  Let me know if you have any questions / problems in the meantime.

GPS, Trails, Training / Topofusion - a video
« on: December 07, 2008, 09:56:25 AM »
Thanks for checking back in, Ed.  I really want to take a close look at this soon.  I had a quick scan through and it doesn't look to bad.

It's a busy time of year, though, so feel free to post again in another week, if I haven't gotten to it yet.

TopoFusion Pro / Change font/colour of city-large.gpx?
« on: December 06, 2008, 08:45:28 PM »
Ah, no, there's no font info in GPX, that's part of the main reason we don't support more font options.

What I meant is open the GPX as a normal file in TF (not in the GIS layers -- go disable it up there first).

Then in options->prefs->fonts you can change the font settings for all waypoints.  This will change it for the city-large.gpx file, too.

TopoFusion Pro / Change font/colour of city-large.gpx?
« on: December 06, 2008, 08:35:29 PM »
You're not missing anything.  You can't change the font for the GIS layers.

What you can do, right now, is open the file yourself and set the waypoint font/color.

I suppose a GIS layer font setting would make sense.

TopoFusion Pro / Custom WMS Server Question
« on: December 05, 2008, 09:49:06 PM »
Yep, bummer you missed it.  (Email me and I can hook you up with a smaller discount if you're interested)

I plan to do a quick beta with some fixes and additions such as this one, then a full release.  So this might make it into demo relatively soon.

TopoFusion Pro / Wilderness Boudaries in GIS Layers
« on: December 05, 2008, 02:21:49 PM »
Thanks.  Definitely messed up in TF.  Having trouble converting it.  But regardless it's going to take some work to get it sorted out.  It has all federal land (FS, BLM, etc) which is a great resource.

Ideally it would be colored appropriately and I think that's going to take some coding.

TopoFusion Pro / Wilderness Boudaries in GIS Layers
« on: December 05, 2008, 12:19:06 PM »
Yep, let me know how to access them and I'll have a looksee.


TopoFusion Pro / Custom WMS Server Question
« on: December 04, 2008, 08:28:19 PM »
Strange, I've never seen a server that requires http:// before the request.

Unfortunately I had to tweak the code to get rid of a prefix backslash to make it work.  Do you have a registered copy?  If so I can hook you up with a beta version that works.

Looks like some nice data for Mass.  Great looking aerials.  I'll see if I can just incorporate it into the Color tileset.


TopoFusion Pro / wms access to color naip
« on: December 03, 2008, 07:47:51 PM »
Yup.  Reply sent.

TopoFusion Anouncements / Version 3.60 - Color Aerials
« on: December 03, 2008, 07:47:18 PM »
Servers seem to be doing well as of late.  I've had really good luck downloading color aerials this week.

TopoFusion Pro / Wilderness Boudaries in GIS Layers
« on: December 03, 2008, 12:26:59 PM »

It was my pleasure, both on the documenting side and the software.  I live for this stuff, ya know.

I'll be really curious to see your intended route, and even more curious to see how it goes when you get out there!  My limited experience on the CDT has been that it's slow and hard to ride.  But there are some golden, golden sections out there too.

Please let me know what you find on the shapefiles.  I would love to update the wilderness file with other useful boundaries (in different colors).

Definitely order Ley's map CD.  I got him using TF, so there might be a chance of accurate GPX stuff in the future, but for right now his images are the best source of CDT data.

TopoFusion Pro / wms access to color naip
« on: December 02, 2008, 03:46:54 PM »
The request is kinda complicated (and very long!).  Drop us an email and we can help you out.

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