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Messages - ScottMorris

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TopoFusion Pro / Re: Shading of heart rate profile
« on: June 03, 2009, 10:08:12 PM »
Correct.  Right now the min/max HR is controlled by the actual range of values in the file.

We do definitely intend to add this functionality, likely soon.  I really want to be able to set the shading range for all shading types (elevation, speed, heart rate, power, et cetera).  I hope to get to it in the next month.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Logbook enhancement
« on: June 03, 2009, 10:06:53 PM »
I agree that a way to get stats per activity type would be great.  You can already assign an activity type, you just can't do stats.

It's now on the todo list.  Thanks.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Australia Topo not downloading
« on: June 03, 2009, 08:21:52 PM »
Yep, we've updated the string, as you suggested, for the next version.  Thanks.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Combine Multiple Waypoint Files
« on: June 03, 2009, 08:21:02 PM »
If you open up multiple instances of the 'file properties' dialog (where you can get a list of waypoints) you can drag and drop waypoints from file to file.  Should be easy to combine them this way.

Tracks are a little trickier -- you'd need to use the merge tool to combine and then save out into a new file, possibly cutting them up later.

Feature Requests / Re: Blue Sky in 3D Mode
« on: June 03, 2009, 08:17:13 PM »
Good idear.

Feature Requests / Re: Continue drawing (add to) a saved track
« on: June 03, 2009, 08:16:50 PM »
Drawing into an existing file is a good idea.  I'll think on it.

Please let us know if you figure out what is causing the stuck-in-drag mode.

Feature Requests / Re: Seachable "Wiki" based documentation
« on: June 03, 2009, 08:15:00 PM »
No, there is only limited print functionality in TF right now.  My recommendation is to use the (well developed) export function to get a high res image, then use image software to print and force it to fit on a certain size of paper.

A wiki might make a lot of sense.  Otherwise google with a filter might be the best way since all the info isn't on the main manual page.

Feature Requests / Re: Any progress on the load maps tool?
« on: June 03, 2009, 08:12:37 PM »
Larry -- load maps is next up on the list for sure.  I've been out riding and experimenting with sleep deprivation:

But I will get on it soon, in minimum adding color aerial and 3d support.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Offline downloads - holes
« on: May 22, 2009, 10:05:09 AM »
OK, good to hear it was just color aerials.  There are a number of people requesting this, so I will get to it within the next week.  It will likely only be in beta form, though, which means another delay of a week or so (beta only available to registered users, though people have requested demo betas before, and I have granted that too)...

We'll see how the server load goes.  I don't think it will be much of an issue given experience so far.


TopoFusion Anouncements / Pro version 3.80 released
« on: May 22, 2009, 09:00:08 AM »

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Offline downloads - holes
« on: May 22, 2009, 08:59:30 AM »

Thanks for the note.  One thing is that in v3.80 the batch download tool does not download color aerials.  There is no way to turn them on/off in preferences and they are not included.  There were some reasons for this initially (server load), but we plan to implement it in the next version.  We wanted to get it into v3.80, but had to push it out with the 3D caching.

Speaking of 3D, it also is not downloaded in a batch download.  That will also go into the next version.

Now, missing topos is a different story.  Can you confirm that you did see missing topos in an area downloaded?  The box you draw stays around (and can be saved as a GPX file by right clicking while still in the load maps tool mode).

I will do some testing and see if I can reproduce it.

Oh, and glad you like the topo/photo stuff. 


TopoFusion Anouncements / Re: Version 3.60 - Color Aerials
« on: May 21, 2009, 08:00:46 AM »
Sorry, didn't get to the update of the batch download.

Will make it a priority for the next beta.  Thanks for the patience.

TopoFusion Anouncements / TopoFusion version 3.80 released
« on: May 19, 2009, 09:00:04 PM »

We're excited to announce the release of v3.80 of TopoFusion Pro, featuring a long sought after addition to the software... elevation caching! 

Thanks to Lucian Plesea over at JPL, we now have rapid access to tiled DEM (elevation) data.  As you pan around in TopoFusion in v3.80, you'll automatically be downloading DEM data, so it'll be there if you want to go to 3D mode, or if you want to add elevation to your tracks.

Now 3D works offline, if you've got the data and in general it's a whole lot faster and easier to use.  That means you can add elevation to tracks and do Climbing Analysis on tracks offline, too.

Also, the 'undo' command has been enabled to 'undo' many more operations than it used it.

A summary of elevation features:

Added local caching of DEM data
-   DEM data is automatically downloaded as map is panned
-   Fast downloads, using OnEarth’s tiled WMS
-   Stored in maps.dat structure, download once, always have
-   Elevation at mouse cursor given in status bar
-   Faster 3D model generation.  Works offline.
-      Elevation automatically added to tracks as they are drawn
-   Automatically uses NED (30m) data inside US, 90 SRTM elsewhere in world
-   Option for forcing SRTM available (useful for US border areas)
-      Climbing Analysis uses cached data
-   Increased accuracy for elevation gain and “Add Elevation to Track”
-      Added box filtering to Climbing Analysis (selectable filter width)

Head over to the Download Page to try TopoFusion out, free of charge.

Registered users refer to your registration email for the download link, or go here to request your code and the download URL.

Full list of changes

For a complete list of changes see the Revision History

Feature Requests / Re: Various new feature suggestions
« on: May 19, 2009, 10:18:57 AM »
Yes, you can reposition a waypoint using the 'select points' tool (looks like a regular mouse pointer on the tool bar).  Just grab it to drag around.

You can import a .kmz file by doing this:

1) rename to .zip
2) unzip contents of .zip (the file will be document.kml I believe)
3) open .kml in TopoFusion

.kmz is just a zipped kml.

Feature Requests / Re: Various new feature suggestions
« on: May 18, 2009, 03:31:08 PM »
Ah, in a multitrack playback?  Good idea.  Will put it on the 'todo' list -- should be an easy addition.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Maximum Speed
« on: May 18, 2009, 03:29:33 PM »
Max speed is a stat that is highly sensitive to GPS error.  The raw number reported in the main TF window is the actual highest speed in the file.  IIRC, the profile tool throws out the highest 2-3 speeds so that it can give a more reasonable profile.  That may account for the difference.

Also, there is a setting (prefs->units) for the maximum speed allowed in the software.  For instance, all my GPS data is human powered, so setting it at 50mph or so makes sense because I rarely go faster than that.  A hiker/runner may set it even lower.

The GPS itself has more information available to it (e.g. # of satellites, signal strength) and may decide to not use a particular point for max speed.  Unfortunately TF really can't tell whether you just went that fast or whether that point is an error and shouldn't be counted.

Hope that helps.  If you can't figure it out I'd be happy to take a look at your file and tell you exactly what's going on.

TopoFusion Basic / Re: Importing National Geographic Topo Files
« on: May 11, 2009, 10:15:26 PM »
Recommend using GPSBabel:

I've successfully converted some Topo! files in the past with it.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Elevation Smoothing
« on: May 11, 2009, 01:44:45 PM »
I can tell you we will definitely be adding some elevation smoothing in the near future.  Likely similar to the way TrainingPeak's WKO software does smoothing (with a hot key and different levels of smoothness).  It'll show up right in the profile window.

Thanks for the constructive feedback.

Beta Testing / Re: v 3.76
« on: May 11, 2009, 01:42:16 PM »
I plan to add it to the load maps tool.

Just panning around gets you the 3D data, but there are multiple levels, so if you are zoomed out quite far you won't be getting the finest detail.

In the meantime, I can give a base tileset (largest possible) that still stays on the finest DEM size if anyone is interested.

TopoFusion Anouncements / Re: Notice: Nasa server downtime expected
« on: May 07, 2009, 11:24:30 AM »
Looks like the downtime was only 6 hours or so.  There will still be an IP move, so probably another downtime, but the server has physically been moved now.   8)

Feature Requests / Re: Open Street Map ?
« on: May 06, 2009, 03:50:33 PM »
Good work, thanks for the info.  I did look into this a few weeks ago, but couldn't find any actual WMS support.  I'll take a look at your new links.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Australia Topo not downloading
« on: May 06, 2009, 03:43:55 PM »
Sent by email.  Anyone else interested, just email us!

TopoFusion Pro / Re: More maps than you can shake a stick at...
« on: May 06, 2009, 03:37:30 PM »
43.3 Gb, nice!  You're in the running for first place.

You can set both the '1' and '2' keys as shortcuts.  There are buttons for them on the CustomWMS dialog.  Choose TopoWMS, then hit one of the buttons.

Those 1 and 2 shortcuts also appear in the 'Map' menu as shortcuts.  Hope that helps.

TopoFusion Anouncements / Notice: Nasa server downtime expected
« on: May 06, 2009, 03:35:45 PM »
Nasa's OnEarth server will be experiencing some downtime in the next few days.  They are upgrading to a new server, so the good news is service will be improving.  But the process of moving equipment, getting new addresses, et cetera takes time and downtime is hard to avoid.

We'll post any updates as we here them, so stay tuned.  As of right now it is still up and serving.

Note: this only affects TopoFusion's Landsat maps and Elevation (3D) downloads.  All other servers are behaving as normal.

Thanks to Lucian Plesea for his continued help and communication.  He has recently added an elevation caching scheme that will lead to some cool new features in TopoFusion.  Stay tuned on that too.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: More maps than you can shake a stick at...
« on: May 04, 2009, 12:37:50 PM »
Not yet.  Batch tool is scheduled for an overhaul and needs color aerials, DEM, etc...

Beta Testing / Re: v 3.76
« on: May 04, 2009, 08:32:39 AM »
Thanks for the bug reports.  I'll take a look at those issues -- esp. the 2 track spline function should be an easy fix.

Glad you like the elevation features.  I plan to do more with it, too!

TopoFusion Pro / Re: More maps than you can shake a stick at...
« on: May 04, 2009, 08:30:56 AM »
Actually, you could always use DEM from the seamless server offline in TF (for the last several years).  However, now with v3.76+ DEM data is automatically downloaded *and* stored for offline use, as you pan around, go 3D, add elevation data to tracks, etc...

No need to do anything anymore.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Australia Topo not downloading
« on: May 04, 2009, 08:29:30 AM »
If you are a registered user there is a beta available with the fix.  Otherwise let me know and I can send you the updated request string to use as a custom WMS.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: getting rid of waypoints?
« on: May 04, 2009, 08:26:37 AM »
If you open up the "File Properties" dialog on the file you can then go to the waypoints tab (might need to hit the Fill Table button to make everything appear).  Then you can select every waypoint (shift click) and delete them all in one swoop.

Also, you can turn off 3d waypoints via a separate toggle -- it's in options->3d options.

Finally, a check box to turn on/off waypoint generation when creating a network makes sense.  I'll add it to the todo list.

Thanks (and sorry about the delay, I've been out on the trail).

Beta Testing / Re: v3.75 - Elevation Caching!
« on: May 01, 2009, 11:57:27 AM »
Looks like we're pretty sure this is just a video memory limitation not a bug.

V3.76 is out with a bug fix and an addition:

3.76 - [5/1/09] (Beta)                                                                                                             
Drawn tracks now automatically assign elevation data, while drawing                                                                 
Fixed crash in climbing analysis when loading a track without elevation data

Good suggestions.  The latest beta adds elevation data automatically, and also fixes the bug you reported.

Compute area on the menu is a great idea -- will make a note to add that too.

Agreed that an option to automatically insert intermediate points would be highly useful.  And having the option for the profile to come up as you draw might be interesting too.

Thanks lots.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: More maps than you can shake a stick at...
« on: April 30, 2009, 09:57:55 PM »
Whoo... you win!

Prepare for even large map caches with the addition of DEM data to the mix.  Yee haw!   :o :P

Beta Testing / Re: v3.75 - Elevation Caching!
« on: April 30, 2009, 08:36:36 PM »
Strange, that video card should be able to handle larger surfaces.

Can you send your TopoFusion.log file to us at ?  Perhaps an update of video drivers is in order.

The only other thing I can think of is if you are already running TF at a very high resolution (30"+ monitor?) or something...

Beta Testing / Re: v3.75 - Elevation Caching!
« on: April 30, 2009, 07:52:55 PM »
Sounds like your video card might not have enough memory to go above, what 1, on the "multiply texture size" setting.

You don't get an error if it is set at 1, correct?

What video card do you have?   Is this a laptop?

Beta Testing / v3.75 - Elevation Caching!
« on: April 30, 2009, 04:17:59 PM »

Alright, I just put out version 3.75 Beta featuring a long sought feature... elevation caching! 

Thanks to Lucian Plesea over at JPL, we now have rapid access to tiled DEM data.  As you pan around in TopoFusion now, you'll automatically be downloading DEM data, so it'll be there if you want to go to 3D mode, or if you want to add elevation to your tracks.

Now 3D works offline, if you've got the data and in general it's a whole lot faster and easier to use.  Gone are the days of getting "trouble contacting server" (due to overload) when switching to 3D data.

Also, I can't believe it took this long, but the "undo" command finally does a few things it should have back in version 1.05 or so. 

Full list of changes:

3.75 – [4/30/09]  (Beta)

Added local caching of DEM data
-   DEM data is automatically downloaded as map is panned
-   Fast downloads, using OnEarth’s tiled WMS
-   Stored in maps.dat structure, download once, always have
-   Elevation at cursor given in status bar
-   Faster 3D model generation.  Works offline.
-   Automatically uses NED (30m) data inside US, 90 SRTM elsewhere in world
-   Option for forcing SRTM available (useful for US border areas)
Climbing Analysis uses cached data
-   Increased accuracy for elevation gain and “Add Elevation to Track”
Added box filtering to Climbing Analysis (selectable filter width)
Added “Training Center” preset to Climbing Analysis
Added option to turn off 3D transition animation to 3d Options
Fixed alignment errors when switching between (eg) topo and color aerial tiles
   In 3d mode
Undo command now reverses the following actions:
-   Deleted points
-   Moved points
-   Cut track
-   Delete track
-   â€śclear all” when drawing a track
-   â€śclear all” when merging tracks
-   â€śremove last segment” when merging tracks
-   â€śremove last segment” when drawing a track
Fixed bug in realtime Multi Playback causing dots/names not to appear
Fixed problem with Australian Topos not downloading (due to server change)
Fixed lingering “download” tiles in both 2d and esp. 3d mode

It's computing it straight from the GPX file, with no filtering or attempt to tone it down.  Nearly always reports a higher number than the GPS itself does (which, in most cases is a little low, IMO).

Try the 'climbing analysis' dialog to try some different things (and sources of data).  More stuff along these lines (including more accurate elevation computation from DEMs) coming soon.

Right, GPX stores elevation in meters.  You can overwrite it with DEM data if you want, or use the data recorded by the unit (what's there now).

TopoFusion Pro / Re: direct editing gpx file. make 7 tracks into 1?
« on: April 26, 2009, 10:30:20 PM »
Yes, there should be.  If you want to merge the 7 tracks, just use the Merge Tool and click on them in the order you want, then right click and choose "save as...".

Depending on where those 7 tracks came from, they are either in separate <trk> or <trkseg> structures.  Or maybe they are already merged?

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Australia Topo not downloading
« on: April 24, 2009, 09:23:19 AM »
An update on this:

They changed something on the server, so version 3.74 still won't be able to download new maps.

I've fixed it, and version 3.75 (beta) will be released soon with the fix.  Thanks for the patience with this.  Check the beta forum for announcement of 3.75, and I'll try to post here as well.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Waypoint Icons
« on: April 19, 2009, 07:38:28 AM »
It's just the directory that your GPX tracks go to by default.  You can set it in options->preferences, but it starts out as either program files\topofusion, or 'my topofusion files' under my documents.

Let me know if you have any issues with it.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Waypoint Icons
« on: April 18, 2009, 09:03:59 AM »
What you are talking about is possible, but it is a bit tricky.

The symbol file looks like this:

You can place your own version of that file in your 'default tracks' directory and TF will load it instead.  So basically you could overwrite a few of the 'known' waypoint symbols, like trailhead and campground with your own images.  Then simply use trailhead for user #1, campground for user #2, when you make the waypoints.

Does that make sense?

TopoFusion Basic / Re: Edit: what DEM file formats supported?
« on: April 15, 2009, 08:25:09 PM »

Yep, there's a specific DEM dir you can set.

As for types, the only supported is USGS ascii DEM.  There's some description about converting to it using 3DEM here:

Hope that helps.

Feature Requests / Re: Mac Support
« on: April 15, 2009, 05:06:24 PM »
Very cool, thanks for the update on this.  Glad to know VMWare Fusion is still working.

That's strange that user maps don't work.  Did you try adjusting the transparency throughout the range?  It's just displayed as a texture , like any other map tile is.  You say is shows for an instant (does it look like the correct map?) so it's not likely to be an issue with loading the image file.


Feature Requests / Re: Geo tagging images
« on: April 15, 2009, 05:03:44 PM »
Cool, yep.

By the way, TopoFusion reads and writes Lat/Lon EXIF headers, in the last few versions.  It functions somewhat like Geosetter, though I haven't tried the drag and drop on Geosetter yet.  Could be worth adding to TF, too.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Australia Topo not downloading
« on: April 13, 2009, 12:35:39 PM »
Yep, I think the server is having issues.  Here's a link to the direct browser for the maps:

The browser comes up, but no maps display for me.  I'm sure it'll be up again soon.  I didn't see any notices of downtime or anything.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Australia Topo not downloading
« on: April 13, 2009, 11:55:11 AM »

Sorry for the late reply on this.  I was on the trail this weekend, away from the computer.

I'm not getting AUS topos, but I think it's a server issue.  The server is giving a response, but here's what it looks like:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 18:52:50 GMT
Server: Apache/2.0.58 (Win32) mod_jk/1.2.9
Content-Length: 279
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/vnd.ogc.se_xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<ServiceExceptionReport version="1.1.1">
Exception in GetMap reply.
   [WRN2403] SDE connection is broken (mica:port:5159) NETWORK I/O OPERATION FAILED.

I'll see if there's any info on the server itself.  For now I'm assuming it'll be fixed and work again soon.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Photofusion isn't capturing map tiles?
« on: April 13, 2009, 11:52:02 AM »

No, not a bug per se, but the PhotoFusion html pages default to US topo and US aerial. 

This really needs to change, and the fact that CA users get 'no maps' is the best reason out there.  I'll see what I can do.  Thanks for the note.

That's not a bad idea -- being able to input the correct time of a photo.  I'm a little worried about it confusing the normal operation of PhotoFusion for first time users (it's hard to figure out what the correct time for a photo would be if you only need to adjust the time zone, as the software does now).  Perhaps in an 'advanced' tab.

Otherwise you are correct that you need to compute the offset by multiplying the number of hours in a year, et cetera...

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Using other [non Tiger] street maps
« on: April 08, 2009, 08:27:36 AM »
So you are talking about a version of the software you could run from the USB without installing on the computer you are using it on?

Or just a way of saving a snapshot of all maps (including user maps) and settings to the USB, then loading them later on?

TopoFusion Pro / Re: print scaling for use with a grid reader
« on: April 06, 2009, 08:24:16 PM »
I'm not sure what piece of plastic you're talking about, or what 'scaled properly' means.  Do you mean scaled to the 1:24k paper maps you buy from USGS?

I'm not sure, but I'm thinking this might be possible.  You'd want to use the tileset dropdown (upper right corner) to select Topo 4M (or 2M) so that the scale indicator next to it is 1:4 or 1:2.  You're now exactly how they were scanned in, at 4 meters / pixel or 2 m / pixel.  If you export using "current" you'll get the same scale.  You could then go from there and figure out what scale the USGS maps are.  Then add the DPI you print at into the equation and you should have it.  A bit of work, but possible...

Does that make any sense?

Feature Requests / Re: Google Maps: Terrain
« on: April 06, 2009, 08:07:02 PM »
We've been looking at adding a google maps (or earth) mode, but we're still not sure of the legality of it.  Other software does it to some extent, but that doesn't mean it's legal.

We'll see.  Definitely a possible future addition.

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