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Topics - derricknehrenberg

Pages: [1]
TopoFusion Pro / adding elevation data to gps tracks
« on: November 22, 2011, 11:16:33 AM »
Hey Scott,

Is there a way TF could incorporate an option to add elevation data to gps tracks not having elevation data in a future edition?  I'm willing to accept some error...



TopoFusion Pro / random mytopo files colorized
« on: November 04, 2011, 12:38:09 PM »

Is my attached mytopo map map working properly.  Some random tiles are randomly colorized.



TopoFusion Pro / Track upload freezing Edge 705
« on: October 08, 2010, 11:30:13 AM »
I just tried uploading a track to a customers Edge 705 that was recently updated.  The GPS transfer worked (a TCX file was put in the GPX folder), but when the customer tried to verify the track by navigating to (via saved tracks), it took forever to calculate, reached the 100% level then completely froze.  We had to force the power off. 

Then we tried to just move the file into the GPX folder, tried to verify the track, and the unit froze again. 

The customer said he had never had his unit freeze.  Any idea idea what the issue might be?

I can email you the file, if that would help. 

TopoFusion Pro / Difficulty Index scores are very useful...
« on: September 23, 2010, 09:44:05 AM »
...But it appears this score varies quite a bit by #points.  When #of points is roughly normalized across a range of rides, the rank of DI scores fit my rank of perceived efforts on a given list of rides.  When they aren't, the scores do not match perceived effort. 

Has anyone noticed this anomaly?

Also, it seems it could be useful to include elevation in the calculation.



I just had a customer who wanted 3 tracks.  TF successfully transferred all 3, but only the last track would display.  Essentially, any new upload replaced the 1, old upload. 

Is there a way I can upload and display multiple tracks on an EDGE 305 using TF?

TopoFusion Pro / Dakato 20 track names
« on: September 01, 2010, 12:12:31 PM »
Hey Scott,

When I name a track "Kokopelli.gpx" in Topofusion, copy and paste it in a garmin dakota 20 gpx folder, it appears as "Track".  So, I end up with no way to discern between different tracks on the Dakota. 

Is there a way to name a track in Topofusion so that name appears on the Dakota unit when I navigate to "where to" > "tracks"?



TopoFusion Pro / directions for running trail simulations
« on: January 20, 2010, 02:07:08 PM »
I am running TF 3.95 using windows XP on a mac.

I am having trouble following the directions found here

for running my own trail simulations.

I made it through these steps:

To run the trail simulator on your own data, follow these steps:
- Download & install TopoFusion.
- Load all of your GPS tracks so that they appear in the fileview in the main TopoFusion window.

The rest of the directions to not correspond to my menu options. 

Instead of - Select the menu option Network->Make Network,  I could only select  Analysis -> Make Network.  Then I selected the parameters, then clicked "Make Network" (not "OK") to make the network. 

The cyan GPS network appeared and I removed all my tracks.  But then I could not find any menu options to start the Trail Simulator. 

Basically, I can not find any menu option for Network.  Am I blind?

I can email a screenshot of my topofusion menu options if that will help...

TopoFusion Pro / missing waypoints?
« on: November 22, 2009, 11:11:23 AM »

I'm using TF 3.95 on a Mac running XP and a garmin 705.  The 705 has all updates.  Yesterday, waypoints I entered on the garmin were included in my tracks, today there are no waypoints.

Here are the issues I've checked through:

1. Toggles on/off (obviously)
2. File properties, no waypoints in the list even though waypoints are on the garmin unit.
3. Show points on/off
4. Checked GPS type = Garmin USB
5. Uninstall/Reinstall TF
6. Poking all over TF
7. getting mad at my two year old for trying to overtake my computer poking for "thomas the train" U-tubing.

Read through support topics that fell out of "waypoints" search, but had no luck

The sudden disappearance of the waypoints is odd and suggests some sort user failure, but I can't seem to correct the issue.  Any suggestions?

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