Author Topic: User Maps and Calibration  (Read 4248 times)


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User Maps and Calibration
« on: November 06, 2009, 08:59:28 AM »
I'm confused. I guess I thought that I could take a map, like a .jpg, and peg it ("calibrate") to note its position and then use it like other maps. I did read the help on this and did search for topics but I'm still a bit confused.

I have a .jpg map of an area that is not covered by the Garmin mapset. I have some waypoints that were taken in that area. What I would like to do is marry the two and end up with a map and embedded waypoints. Ideally, I'd like to be able to upload that final product into my Garmin and "see" it there. Is this possible?

While I think I know more about this stuff than the average bozo, certainly more than my wife, I confess that there is still a bunch that I don't understand. But I'm trying.

tia... Bob


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Re: User Maps and Calibration
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2009, 07:39:47 PM »
Bob, yes you can do exactly that with the latest TF (latest needed to upload the map to your Garmin).

There is a bit of a learning curve to getting user maps calibrated, but once you get it, it's pretty easy.

Just want to make sure you found this page:

It has the best info on using it.  Basically, pan to roughly the area the map is in, load it up, then start calibrating points.  First you choose a point on the image (you can still pan and zoom around to find it precisely) then choose a corresponding point in "world space" (using any map type in TF, or using your waypoints you have).  Do that twice, or possibly twice if the map needs to be rotated or skewed.  Then you should be good to go.

Feel free to ask questions if something isn't clear -- I'm here to help.  Though I will be on the bike all day tomorrow.... out GPS'ng and testing the Custom Maps KMZ upload feature... :)
Scott Morris - founder and co-author of TopoFusion


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Re: User Maps and Calibration
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2009, 03:24:51 AM »
Thanks, Scott. I'll mess with it some more. I'm in Germany and the only thing I have in "world space" in the area in question is my waypoints. Sounds like that should be enough.



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Re: User Maps and Calibration
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2009, 06:49:57 AM »
OK. I think I'm beginning to get how this works. Tell me if I have it right:
  • The "map" aka jpg lives anywhere I like on hard drive.
  • The info that pegs or locates the map is in TopoFusion.ini
  • The UserImagex0p0 and UserImagey0p0, etc, are pixel relative to someplace on the image and UserLat0p0/
    UserLon0p0 are the lat/lon coordinates of that pixel point.

Makes sense so far. To upload, I assume that I use GPS/GPS Transfer but when I open that I only see options to do tracks or waypoints. Is there another option for maps? Will this work for a Garmin Nuvi 350?

The other thing that is puzzling me is how and where this all gets tied together for the GPS unit. Right now I have three discrete data points that are only tied together in the ini. My map, waypoints and ini data. I understand how that works for TF but don't see how it transfers. Smoke and mirrors maybe?  ;D

tia... Bob


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Re: User Maps and Calibration
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2009, 12:41:59 PM »
fwiw, I just did an upload to my Nuvi 350 and got "Transfer Completed" but do not see the waypoints that I uploaded. Admittedly, they were dupes of POIs that were already there but I had changed the symbols and that did not show up.

Under "GPS Config" I see
  • Garmin USB
  • USB (gray)
  • 9600 (gray)

Don't know if this helps... Bob


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Re: User Maps and Calibration
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2009, 04:56:40 PM »

Your understanding of how the user maps in TF work is spot on (in reply #3 above). 

The Nuvi does not have the custom maps feature that was newly added to TopoFusion in the last version(s).  Only Oregon/Dakota/Colorado units are supported right now.

You should be able to upload your waypoint to the unit, however what the GPS does when it receives duplicate waypoints (by name) can vary.  Some rename it "waypoint1", "waypoint2", but some just ignore the duplicate point.  Not sure what your Nuvi does, perhaps nothing.
Scott Morris - founder and co-author of TopoFusion