Author Topic: Tilesets  (Read 606 times)


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« on: March 22, 2022, 07:06:19 AM »
Please excuse my laziness, but I ran into another online service (not a mapping app) that uses several appealing map tilesets that are not included in TF.
But before I immerse myself in: . . .
Are Bing tilesets compatible with TF?
If so, might you consider adding them?

And more generally, is there a quick way to determine a tileset's compatibility with TF?


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Re: Tilesets
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2022, 07:50:27 PM »

Hey KF!

Last time I checked the terms of service on Bing were prohibitive for TF using them unfortunately.  They wouldn't be WMS but under TMS which TF does support.  TF just doesn't have a custom TMS server capability.... yet.

There isn't a quick way to determine compatability unfortunately.  WMS is pretty good but has so many options and projections that it can be pretty arcane to really figure out what a server has.  Best way is to go to the dev console on your browser (f12 usually) and see what a site is using for a full query.  That's where I usually start.

Scott Morris - founder and co-author of TopoFusion