From Games Magazine, December 1997
Reprinted by Permission
"Roolz is an intricate trick-taking game of
trump. The deck comprises six colored suites with cards numbered 0-15,
two worthless blank cards, a High Rooler card, and a Low Rooler card.
The only cards worth points are the 15, 14, 10, 5, and the two Roolers.
Once the hands are dealt, players bid how many points--not tricks--they
think they can take. The high bidder declares a high trump suit and
a low trump suit; the Low Rooler is the lowest of the low trumps, and the
High Rooler is the [lowest] of the high trumps. This player
now tries to make his bid while everyone else tries to stop him.
Roolz is a mind-bending challenge for thoze
folkz who love gamez like Pinochle, Spadez, Bridge, and Heartz."
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Copyright 1997 Games of Addiction, Incorporated
When You Can't Put It Down, You Have An