Infrequently Asked Questions 

    What's a logarithm? 
            The exponent that indicates the power to which one number is raised to produce another  

    Do I need to know what a logarithm is to play Roolz? 
            Of course not. 

    What's a balance sheet? 
            A statement of financial condition at a given date. 

    Why are you wasting my time with such frivolous questions? 
            That's another good question. 

    Who are you people? 
            Games of Addiction, Inc. is the union of three brothers and a sister.  We make the Game of  

    Why are you called Games of Addiction?  I thought Roolz was a family game 
            Because our motto is, "When you can't put it down, you have an Addiction."  Get it? 

    Aren't you afraid that most people will associate you with poker or other games of vice? 
            A little.  But we figure that Roolz is "the thinking person's bidding game," so we don't mind  
            having a motto that requires a little thought, too. 

     If you're so darned smart, why are you wasting your time playing games instead of fixing the world's ills? 
            Can't we do both?  When we're not marketing Roolz, we are students with ambitious goals. 

    What do you mean by 'ambitious?' 
            Chief Financial Officer Brandon Morris is a member of Harvard Business School's MBA Class 
            of 1999. National Marketing Director Dustin Morris is a second year student at Columbia  
            University's College of Physicians and Surgeons. 
   Are you saying that if I play Roolz, I'm guaranteed to be accepted for graduate work in the Ivy League? 
            Nothing's a guarantee, but it can't hurt.  Most admissions officers admire a well-developed  
            sense of problem solving, reasoning, and strategy--three things Roolz teaches.  Games of  
            Addiction's youngest founding member, Tasha Morris, recently parlayed her problem solving  
            skills into a 30 on the MCAT. 

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Copyright 1997 Games of Addiction, Incorporated
When You Can't Put It Down, You Have An Addiction