v5.55 – new high res elevation data
May 3rd, 2019
3D data in the Moab, UT area
We lost another much beloved server today on May 3, 2019. Worldwind was one of the original 3D visualizations projects and they were kind enough to allow public access to their DEM/elevation data as well as worldwide Landsat.
Funding shortage finally forced NASA to shut down the project, but luckily there are other options for TopoFusion now. Version 5.55 restores access to both elevation downloads and Landsat. As an added bonus the elevation data is even higher resolution than before.
Update your TF and check out the new version (full list of changes below), or if you are new to TopoFusion, go ahead and try the demo. And as always, let us know what you think, especially if you have a suggestion for a new feature or different way the software should work.
Team TopoFusion
Scott Morris
Version compiled and distributed from a Scamp Trailer in the desert
Head over to the Download Page to try TopoFusion out, free of charge.
Registered users refer to your registration email for the download link, or go here to request your code and the download URL.
Full list of changes
For a complete list of changes see the Revision History, or keep reading here for what has changed since the last public release:
5.55 – 5/3/2019
Changed servers for Elevation Data – Worldwind shutting down May 3, 2019
New Elevation data is higher resolution
All older Worldwind data downloaded will be deprecated (new elevation data
will need to be downloaded everywhere)
Removed 3d setting for interpolation – Bilinear is the only option now
Changed server for worldwide Landsat images – due to Worldwind Shutdown
5.54 – 11/15/2018
Restored Land Ownership, added from previous beta
Adjusted settings and consistency of \223Map->Blend Land Ownership\224 function.
Fixed access to deprecated MSRMaps using UseMSRMaps=1 in .INI file
Restored access to Canadian Topos
5.53 – 10/6/2018
Added Land Ownership map type, including Map->Blend Land Ownership, which sets
up a combo blend mode with the current map type and land ownership layer.
Fixed hidden sat tiles
5.52 – 9/1/2018
Fixed problem with some elevation tiles not downloading
5.51 – 8/5/2018
Fixed ‘no map’ tiles in US Topo
Improved Elevation server downloads
5.5 – 7/23/2018
Restored access to Elevation data and LANDSAT tiles
Removed Juicy Trails layer from map menu (server removed)
Updated hidden sat tiles
New 2018 Splash Screen